I was just thinking about this the other day! I realized how many phrases I now have in my toolkit compared to when I started.
Pusher: "No really, you Must Have Some."
The Threat of GastroIntestinal Incident:
"Um, not today, tummy upset."
Then you give them the really big eyes that makes them imagine the digestive worst.
The Scary Athlete in Training:
"No really, I need to make weight for the Regionals in Womens Masters JiuJitsu."
And give them the fierce-competitor look like they're In Your Way.
The Southern Dagger:
"Oh, my, you are really making it hard on me, bless your heart"?
For those of you not in the know of the American South - you can say harsh things about, or to, another person as long as you also add, "bless their heart." The victim doesn't know whether to be pleased to be blessed, or embarrassed at what they've just been called on. You leave while they puzzle it out.
The Too Much Information:
"Really? If I have this now, will you be with me this evening when I have massive cravings triggered by the beta-endorphin priming? Will you talk me down? Or will you bring over junk food and be my binge buddy? No? well then get outta my face."
Nuff said.
The Fake Doctor:
"No really, doctor's orders."
No doctor in particular (Dr. Kathleen doesn't order us around) so that's why this is fake.
The Medical Downer:
"No thanks, I don't need any more risk factors for diabetes."
This is related to the fake doctor. Usually brings the jovial mood of sharing treats to a crashing halt. Plus it says you're making the choice and I rarely have people continue after that.
The Rude Right Back:
"Do I look like I need more candy?"
This one works best if you're still fat. If I were thin I'd go for the hyper, off-the-wall-with-sugar vibe.
The Self-Deprecating Humor:
"I've already had my lifetime servings, thanks anyway."
This also works if you're fat. It embarrasses them by calling attention to the obvious but also puts you in the "used to be a good old boy" category.
The Unsolicited Therapy Intrusion:
"Oh, I'm sorry, what feelings are being touched in you by my not having any?"
Be sincere with your expression of helping concern. Caution, they might really open up right on the show floor but it might be a teaching moment.
I could go on but it's so much fun to make your own!