This option is ongoing. You may join at any time.
Coaching for Weight Loss
This is a new offering for people who are serious about losing weight and would like to have ongoing coaching. We do an individual
assessment to sort out exactly where you are in the process. You will be guided in making your own individual plan. You can learn about journaling and adjusting your food for weight loss - what to do when. You can look at things to do to start while you are actually working the steps. This is not Boot Camp. You will be given tools and shown how to use them. The coaching is done online in a group using Yahoo and Google. Please note that the preparation for weight loss includes mastery of the
steps, so if you decide to do this process and have not yet started with the steps, we will do that first. If you are well versed in them and are ready to proceed, we have a special section to accommodate your skill level.
I do want to clarify that coaching is not the same as the classes. It is more responsive to you
and where you are in the program. If you want help and are ready to be be guided, this is the process for you.
The fee is $20 per week and is billed in 2 week intervals. It is an unusual opportunity to work directly with Kathleen to be liberated from your past diet history. The signup is under the *special* tab on
the classes page.
This class will begin March 29, 2017
Magical Introversion
A special class which has grown out of your teachings. You sat with me and talked about what life is like for you. I have taken that material, added the brain component, and put together the implications for sugar sensitives. Everyone LOVES this class and tells me it really helped them. And I want to do an update. I know that I have been changing. I want to share about
that process and see if it a developmental thing or just a personal one. I would love for you to be part of the exploration. |
This class will begin April 5, 2017
Learn all about the *just say no* chemical. Learn how depression may be affected by your diet. Learn how to manipulate serotonin levels safely and with tenderness. A real hands=on lesson in feeling better. |
The wonderful thing is that you do not have to work on all those behavior things individually. You do not have to master your blood sugar and your serotonin and your beta-endorphin, you just "do the food." When you do the food, your body and your process take care of the
For years every time I started a new diet I announced it to everyone. Maybe I thought that would help me to stay on the straight and narrow. What I did was kind of give everyone
permission to remark on what I was eating.
Fast forward to when I began to follow the steps. First I read PNP and it made a lot of sense. Right away I started a journal which I kept hidden from everyone. Although the order of the steps changed, it may have been best for me to do the journal first. All those yellow marks for all the sugar I ate made a huge impression.
I followed the steps and made slow and steady progress. I never said a word to my DP or anyone that I was working the steps. When I wobbled I got right back up and started again. I didn't punish myself when I wasn't perfect. That was huge because I was always doing that if I wasn't perfect on my new diet. I stuck to what Kathleen wrote about one food choice at a time. If I made a poor choice, I just tried a little harder the next time. If I ate
the wrong things on Sat. I didn't trash the plan. At the next meal I did my best to eat enough protein, browns and vegetables. I didn't fall for that old trap of "I might as well start over on Monday."
After a couple of months I started to watch my anniversaries. Funny, but now that I wrote that, my five year anniversary is the week of St. Patrick's Day. My family gets together to watch the parade on St.
Patrick's Day. I cook corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. I was seven months into the program and still playing with a little sugar after my meals. When I say a little, that is one tablespoon or less of ice cream after my meal. It didn't even taste good any longer.
After dinner at my son's I ate some home made carrot cake. After all I was allowed because I hadn't done a sugar detox LOL! It gave me a terrible
migraine headache for about three or four days. Since I had no sugar for those four days I figured the Universe was helping me to do the sugar detox.
One of the main reasons that I was able to stick with the steps was because I could go at my own pace. Once I started having breakfast consistently I began to feel so full of energy, happy and focused. Only than did I have the courage to go on to the next step.
It was very important and helpful for me to experience the healing of my biochemistry. It sure beats going cold turkey!
Hugs, Ann
Don't forget that you can have an automatic order set up for you. I am being really creative with some of our members. I put together a shipment of shake,
pycnogenol, cod liver oil, and wild rice and send it out each month. On the third month, I send a journal and 2 of those little add on journals to write all about your feelings about spring. Just email me at pipposse@aol.com or call me at 505-345-3737 and let me know your heart's desire.
David DesMaisons, Store Manager
Banana Coconut Pudding
- 3 cups oat milk (or regular milk or other milk substitute)
- 3/4 cup millet
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
- 1 ripe banana, pureed in food processor or blender
- 1 tsp. alcohol-free vanilla extract
Bring oat milk to a boil, add millet and salt and cover. Simmer on low for 40 minutes. Turn off
heat and leave sitting for 30 minutes. Add the coconut, banana and vanilla, stirring well. Pour into 6 custard cups and serve hot or warm.
By Naomi Muller, Step 7, author of Nutritious and Delicious Cookbook.
I am repeating last week's content because I like it so much.
I have had a number of emails this week asking me about losing weight. Must be Spring! What book to read? Go off of sugar? How to start?
The very best thing is to join YLD and come to chats. We will give you context and guidance about how the steps prepare you for weight loss, what things to do to get your body ready, and then what actions to take. It is all pretty straight
Ignore that old idea of weight as a function of calories, exercise and willpower. That won’t work for you. You have already tried it and you know you need something more. You are a diet expert. It is time to convert those skills into a plan that heals.
This membership gives you everything you need to succeed at weight loss. There is NO failure in this program. There is no pressure, no stress, no yelling in your face. We think of this as a program for The Biggest
Your program will include: - People who understand and mentor you
- A dedicated email list that includes Kathleen’s direct participation
- Access to a private weight loss chat held at two different times each week
- Access to classes specific to weight loss
If you
would like to join us in YLD, come find us here . We are also making a big change in our fee structure for the program. When we originally started it, we had a LIFETIME membership. A couple of years ago we shifted to an annual membership and I just was never happy with it. So we are going back to lifetime. Any of you who go the
annual, will be upgraded to lifetime. I will be sending you an email shortly. Thank the Radiant LIfers for this insight!
I am repeating last week's content because I like it so much. This week in chat we were talking about what it is that makes us come back to Living Chat? We decided it was the joy factor. We decided that was the essence. This little picture of Oliver is my joy these days. If you
have a photo you would like to share, send it on over.
We talked about what the joy factor meant. Karen said: * I want to share one of my most precious chat moments. We did a Christmas Day chat one year because a few of us asked. On that day lots of us were alone. It was like a real family get together. I have never had that with whatsapp. And it sums up why I love chat.* . I think she captured it. This sharing, the talking about how joy is growing in our lives.
Helen said;* Yes, and I've had a horrible weekend, and here I am with people who get me, being given the opportunity to think creatively and joyfully* . She said we have the most amazing joyful chats and maybe we can publish excerpts in the newsletter. I liked the idea a lot.
Out of that discussion came the discussion of going back to LIFETIME memberships. It was a pretty sincere and deep discussion. I think we all agreed that somehow the idea of it is most congruent for the program. So we had a group consensus to change things back. I will email everyone about their upgrade. It may take us a few days to catch up
administratively with our collective enthusiasm but David and our tech folks will do it. See what happens when you come to chat! You literally shape the future of joy. If you would like to join us in Radiant Living, come find us here.
More onThe Tools of Your Journey
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
Last week I wrote about journaling. I have been thinking about journaling again all week. I wrote this post to someone on the Your Last Diet list. I liked what I wrote and thought I would
share it with you here.
I think people tend to not connect to the fact that step 2 is actually the most complex and the simplest step…. First you learn the skill of doing in.
This takes a while. You have to learn how to judge amounts correctly. You have to pay attention to time. You have to decide if you are willing
to carry a journal around, or if you are willing to find a way to record and transfer. You have to be willing to actually see what you are eating and drinking during the day.
All this is before you ever add in the feelings part. And then the feelings…you have to notice. You have to develop a language for what you feel. You learn subtlety and nuance. You notice times differently, not just when you eat.
So learning to collect the data is a way bigger process then you might think.
Now you start with *connections*….this is very, very multileveled - just like playing an instrument. You notice that if lunch isn’t until 1:30 you get cranky. You notice that if you have breakfast you feel better.
As you get skilled you might be able to discern the difference between 1/2 a cup of oatmeal and 1/3
cup of oatmeal. Somebody might comment about a *day four*, and you have a crisis one day and you think to mark your journal 4 days out and you NOTICE you feel like you have the flu on that day and you make a connection.
You learn to notice the difference between how you feel with chicken as your protein vs. cheese as your protein. You start to put in veggies and you feel different. No connection
yet, but then one day BOOM, you get that on the days you have veggies, you feel different. You notice the different with different kinds of breads or grains. You might try no grain, or even no brown because it is all the rage and you feel soooooo good, like you can take on the world. And then you might not feel so good. And you start thinking about *best browns*
Now, does all that happen on the step 2
list? Hardly, LOL. Mostly it is people who are just learning to record.
And then what happens is that people think they are good, they know how to journal…or maybe really, that journaling is not all that important so they kinda let it slide.
Now, they place where the most action takes place is in the coaching groups,
because we are USING the journals and everyone gets to see and hear and read and learn the subtlety of it all. Can you learn that on your own> Yes and no. It is kinda like learning to play the piano on your own. Depends on whether you are a musical person, whether you have been around music forever. Best is having a skilled teacher. Funny, but personally I think that coaching group is the most exciting thing we have every done. It costs less than a small latte a day, LOL…it is not sexy,
it doesn’t move fast, but it is like one of those cold press Japanese coffee makers, drip, drip, drip…until something happens and there is the indescribably tasting coffee. No, I don’t have one. But I did stand and watch it for 20 min. Drip by Drip.
So here is another thought. We have this *ask Kathleen* option where you pay $25 and get specific feedback on a question. Or you pay $20 and you
get a whole week of coaching. You can ask as many questions as you want. You put your journal up and I show you how to see it, to make connections, and.. you even get to listen as I do that with everyone. I hadn’t ever really thought about it that way. Would love to have you, LOL. I know you are way more skilled than you know.
Kathleen If You Listen, Your Body Will Speak.