Ice Cream

  By forum  ,

January 30, 2018

  • Yields: 8 servings


Freeze inner bowl of ice cream maker overnight .

Cook fruit.

Add vanilla to the cooked fruit.

Puree in blender.

Put in refrigerator to chill.

When ready to make ice cream, add the 2 cans of coconut milk to the fruit.

Process in ice cream maker according to the machine’s directions.


2 cups fruit

1 teaspoon vanilla or 1 vanilla bean

2 cans coconut milk


Nutrition Facts

Serving Size1/2 cup
Sodium9 mg
Potassium180 mg
Protein1.5 g
Sugar5.3 g
Total Fat14.6 g
Saturated Fat12.7 g
Total Carbohydrates8.1 g
Dietary Fiber2.4 g

2 Reviews


December 7, 2018

I make it in my Vitamix and serve it right away. I just add ice cubes. I put leftover in a glass dish in freezer


December 7, 2018

Can this be made without an ice cream maker? If yes, how would I do this. Thank you!

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