Share with others, ask questions, explore everything and anything about your program.Yes, even topics like chocolate and Fritos.
Work on your steps, get information on what to eat while running a marathon, ask about depression meds, learn how to do life ;) . Groups are free and fun.
I realized that we haven't done a series of the *brain* classes in a really long time. We have all these new people who have read the book but really haven't had a chance to learn about the neurochemistry in depth. WHOA! we need to fix that. So I will start with the serotonin class this week, and then plan to cycle through these others over the next few months.
This class has started and we are having a great time with it.
We are restarting Coaching as well. This is a special offering for people who are serious about enhancing their programs and would like to have ongoing coaching. We
will do individual assessments to sort out exactly where you are in the process. You will be guided in making your own individual plan. You can learn about journaling and adjusting your food for your own life needs – what to do when. You will be given tools and shown how to use them.
Apprentice coaching is geared for people who are on steps one – three.
Skilled Coaching is for people who are steady on step three and ready to move through
four-six. The small groups who stay together as they learn skills.
This is an unusual opportunity to work directly with Kathleen to maximize your skill in doing the steps. When this round of coaching finishes up, I will not be repeating it, so it is something you are interested in, now is the best time to commit.
Signature Coaching is intensive individual coaching geared to your specific situation. You may want to step out of the craziness of sugar addiction, return to steadiness and clarity after slipping away, slow down and focus on your recovery, or deepen a steady
rhythm of recovery.
This is a way to step out of feeling overwhelmed with where to start and what to do. Because it is so individualized, we can work on what is right for you at this point in your
journey. People tell me that coaching helps them feel safe and focused. We work with your style, your rhythm. We address your fear and let go of shame. Traditionally, we have done it in 90 day increments. For some people this may be too fast, so we have the options of working with your rhythm and your assimilation time.
Ready to Start?
"You don't have to work through your self-esteem and take care of feelings your whole life. You just do the food and the feelings will take care of themselves."
I really have come a long way, thanks for reminding me of that. Six months ago, before I started this program, a bad morning would have started at 4 pm because my kids and I were too strung out to get to bed any earlier than 7am! On those days I would eat a bagel for dinner, then a few bites of something reasonable and then graze on cola, cereal, and more bagels well into the next night and morning. Wow, and days
like that happened several times a month!
These days a "bad morning" means I slept in to 9:30 am! That's amazing.
A year ago I tried to get my kids into the morning gymnastics but after a week I had to drop them out because I could not get up early enough to get them there by 10:30. Now I take them to gymnastics 4 days a week and three of those says the class starts at 9:30 am. They haven't missed a class yet. : )
Six months ago I kept a 1-800 abuse hotline number on my refrigerator because I was so terrified that I was going to lose it with my kids someday. Mealtimes were awful, but now I understand that they are HUNGRY and need to eat and that they are imbalanced if meals or snacks are late. It takes such a huge burden off of my identity as a "failure" of a mother. The poor things just couldn't function well on my crazy
sleep and eating schedules. Now when I hear them fight I look at the clock and it's almost always always close to snack time or a meal time.
And I haven't started an argument with my hubby in months, when we used to argue constantly.
I know I did not just "will" any of those changes because I have been trying to "will" them for years. Years! Ok, the program is working for me, and it is going o keep getting better! And so far today I am on track and doing well.
Thanks all for your support and encouragement! I feel remotivated to keep at it!
Maggie in ND
This is David, your Radiant Recovery® Concierge
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he world's leading expert in Addictive Nutrition, Kathleen Desmaisons, Ph.D., continues to share ways to revitalize your healing journey to radiance. The material presented will deepen your understanding of the Seven Steps and introduce you to the concepts of the addiction amoeba and emotional healing.
The Audio Learning Course Features
Disc One
Revitalizing The Seven Steps
o Step One
o Step Five
o Step Two
o Step Six
o Step Three
o Step Seven
o Step Four
Disc Two
The Addiction Amoeba
o Introduction
o Radiant Recovery
o Sensitive to Pain
o Addiction
o Addiction Amoeba
o Check the Food
This week's articlet is about the use of peppermint for colic. I thought, well I KNOW we have some babies, so this might be helpful. I looked up what simethicone is - it is aka-selzer. Ekk, I cannot imagine that docs are prescribing it for babies. But think babies and dogs with gas. That means if you have a dog who farts, peppermint might help. Not ice cream!
Effectiveness of Mentha piperita in the Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Crossover Study.
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 ;2012:981352. Epub 2012 Jul 12. PMID: 22844342
João Guilherme Bezerra Alves, Rita de Cássia Coelho Moraes de Brito, Telma Samila Cavalcanti: Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP), Rua dos Coelhos, 301 Boa Vista, 52050-080 Recife, PE, Brazil.
Background. Infantile colic is a distressing and common condition for which there is no proven standard treatment. Objective. To compare the efficacy of Mentha piperita with simethicone in treatment for infantile colic. Methods. A double-blind crossover study was performed with 30 infants attending IMIP, Recife, Brazil. They were randomized to use Mentha piperita or simethicone in the treatment of infantile colic
during 7 days with each drug. Primary outcomes were mother_s opinion about responses to the treatment, number of daily episodes of colic, and time spent crying, measured by a chronometer....All mothers reported decrease of frequency and duration of the episodes of infantile colic and there were nodifferences between responses to Mentha piperita and simethicone. Conclusions. These findings suggest that Mentha piperita may be used to help control infantile colic. However, these results must be
repeated by others studies.
Chats, chats, chats. They keep getting better. The topics are getting deeper. I mention this up in the new science section. We will be upgrading weight loss options AND adding new science to help you understand why do do what you do.
I don’t think I understood that this program is much more than weight loss until I got “stable”. Weight loss was the motivating factor for me in the beginning, so I understand why everyone is talking about it. It is so nice to be even-tempered and “radiant” that I would continue the program if I hadn’t lost weight, but it’s nice to know it can do both! One friend commented that I have such
willpower….nope…I wasn’t the slightest bit interested in it. Enjoying the people at a party instead of obsessing over the food, do I look fat, how much can I eat without people noticing…can you imagine? I find that miraculous!
Sometimes It Is The Little Things
Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD
We asked people what has changed since they started the program. I think you will love this list as much as I do.
- I don't have to go into the handicap stall in the public restrooms.
- I can fit into almost any booth at restaurants.
- I am no longer defensive about my eating habits.
- I enjoy smells differently.
- I have more energy.
- I am able to love.
- I feel God closer than ever.
- I have lots of new friends.
- I eat food for fuel.
- I celebrate the real meaning of the holiday.
- Just yesterday, I noticed that I have collar-bones.
- I smile.
- I wear two sizes smaller in shorts.
- I love my husband unconditionally now.
- I really LIKE looking at flowers.
- I enjoy my granddaughter more every day.
- The sunsets are more magnificent than ever.
- I am able to listen in church with a calm understanding.
- I appreciate the air.
- I have been able to forgive.
- I don't have swelling in my ankles and legs anymore.
- My dogs don't aggravate me anymore.
- I don't smother when I lay down.
- My triple chin is now a double.
- I marvel at the whole Creation.
- I can think clearly.
- I am not embarrassed to swim in front of anyone.
- I no longer need a seat belt extender.
- I only weigh when I feel a loss.
- I thirst for knowledge and actually seek it.
- I have let go of some of my perfectionism.
- I no longer HAVE to have sugar after each meal.
- I read EVERY food label.
- I no longer beat myself up for a mistake, but go on learn about it.
- I WANT to grow old.
- I care more deeply for other people.
- I get a pedicure now and then. (used to be a big hangup)
- Negative control is not as strong as it used to be.
- I crave those cool evenings relaxing in my porch swing.
- I can fit in most wheelchairs.
- I don't have to have the largest hospital gown anymore.
- The birds chirping have become quite beautiful.
- I love eating "YLD Healthy Foods".
- I have become ONE with my local health food store.
- I am proud to answer "those questions" about my food plan.
- I love knowing that this programs works.
- I love helping my family understand about fuel for their bodies.
- I can hardly wait until the Christmas Season.
- I look at professionals w/admiration, instead of a threat.(hugehangup)
- I care about my fingernails.
- I am much more organized in my housekeeping.
- I park farther from the store.
- I hum a lot.
- I WANT to exercise.
- I have learned it is ok to set goals.
- I no longer consider myself on a diet, but I am on a LIFE PLAN.
- The sun seems brighter.
- I can ASK for help without the guilt.
- I can see my feet when I stand or lie down.
- I no longer expect myself to fail with my weight loss.
- I can tie my shoes with out cutting off my oxygen supply.
- I can also tie my shoes in the middle of my shoe instead of to the side.
- I can say "no".
- I crave green things and feel good about it!
- I like cottage cheese.
- Fresh air makes me feel alive.
- I can cut my own toenails.
- I can wear a smaller bra size.... smaller panties too.
- I have so much more energy.
- I have less PMS.
- I don't worry about what people think about me.
- I don't feel helpless anymore. Even if things are not going my way or I have a slip, I know that I can help myself.
- Cinnamon is delicious without sugar.
- Corn is sweet.
- I wake up in the morning now (no more "10 snooze" mornings!).
- I don't hide "forbidden food" all over the house anymore.
- I don't sneak the wrappers out of the house so my husband doesn't see the evidence of last night's binge anymore.
- I wear shorts because I like my legs even though they haven't made it to their full recovery yet.
- I can fall asleep when I go to bed.
- I can play with my children after dinner since I no longer feel comatose from eating huge white meals.
- I feel *whole*, steady and real.
- I feel.
- I'm just plain happy and I can't put my finger on it.
- Things that would have freaked me out before don't anymore.
- Three months ago my protein was in my ice cream, wasn't it?
- I've figured out that this is about life changes, not just about food.
- I realize my life has more out of whack in it than just food".
- After fighting exercise and the journal so long, they have become incredibly important to me. Feel frantic if I've left my journal home.
- The journal is my home.
- am a size smaller but have only lost a few pounds.
- The "girls" (my chest) are a size smaller.
- I love shopping at the health food store. Shoppers are so much nicer there than at sugar stores.
- I've gotten used to packing two meals a day.
- I am very slowly gaining confidence in handling the feelings that the bingeing covered. Feelings really won't kill me, they do pass and generally teach me something. Sometimes the journal helps me catch feelings before I binge them temporarily away.
- I have finally taken responsibility for my own life after feeling abandoned by others.
- I no longer feel suicidal about turning 50 this Nov. Sometimes I feel that my life is just starting.
- I have reduced my anti-depressants by 25% in agreement with my doctor.
- I don't feel dirty, worthless and physically ill from bingeing nearly as much.
- My office no longer does doughnut runs every afternoon. The communal chocolate drawer is gone. I don't miss either.
- My food slips are more often portion explosions that sugar/white binges.
- I think my fist is shrinking. (HA!)
- I have returned to my art hobby and am having a blast.
- I'm not afraid of going to a family reunion this Sept much heavier than the last reunion.
- I don't go shopping now unless I really NEED something. I think I used to go shopping to feel better (raise by BE's).
- My PMS symptoms have almost vanished.
- I actually enjoy wearing pants with a zipper.
- My migraines are gone - along with much of my fibromyalgia pain.
- I don't feel like I'm hanging on to life with my fingertips any more - I have a much firmer grasp - and it's good!!!
- I've gone through really tough times and had the clarity of mind to make wise and thoughtful decisions.
- I don't apologize for making my food needs known - I've gotten REALLY good in resturants (remember how Meg Ryan ordered in the movie "When Harry met Sally"?)
- I have reduced the amount of alcohol easily and don't crave it like I used to.