Last evening
we had a big thunderstorm and half an inch of rain. We are in a moderate drought so the storm was a blessing.
This morning the dogs and I were taking our morning walk. It was gorgeous out there, the rain was shining off everything in the woods, all the leaves on the trees, the ferns, the flowers, just everything, even shining in the mist when a ray of sun shot through the darkness of the woods.
I have Border Collies and a toy poodle. It is nice to walk with the bc's because they just goof around, they aren't hunting dogs, so they don't really use their eyes or nose to look for critters. My poodle caught a scent and reacted just enough to get my attention, but no one else's. I
looked up and over where she was looking (by then she was off on something else). That ray of sun was shining off everything.....and as I looked I saw a red gold color...I looked harder and in the wet sunshine and the mist I could finally make out the shape of a doe deer. She was standing so stock still that she looked like a tree. I would never have seen her had I not been really looking.
Right away I thought of the yoga tree pose. She gave me a yoga lesson I will always remember when I do that pose. Even I could "feel" the roots she was putting down into the earth to steady her
body and breathing and make her invisible to danger. It was just one of those moments in life where as a part of universe I felt so tiny and blessed.
Then I thought what a gift this program has given me. In the pre-RR days I would never have had this morning. First of all, I would never have been out there. The reason is because today was a super busy day for me. I had to be ready to leave for the day by 9:00 am. I am usually home all the time and rarely gone anywhere for a whole day.
I had to get up, get my breakfast, walk the dogs, pack my lunch and potluck contribution, do all my chores, shower and dress all before 9:00! In the old days, just the idea of doing that would
have stressed me out so much I probably wouldn't have gone.
But today, I had decided yesterday
what I would wear, eat, and had a list of things I had to have done before I left. I promised myself I would not turn on the computer until I came home. I was so well prepared that I didn't get anxious or stressed or angry. AND one of the first things I would have done in the old days was to not take time for a walk because I would have been too busy getting ready. So, not only did I get my walk, but I got a special blessing.
Then, after I got back from the walk, my niece called me and needed some help in making a decision that was very serious. I had time because of my planning
yesterday to spend 15 minutes on the phone LISTENING to her, not telling her what I thought she should do!
Oh, it was just such a special morning, I am so grateful. Talk about BE raisers--first the deer and then the dear (my niece)!
Plus I had a wonderful time at my day outing! Yep, this program is soooo much more than removing sugar! Cause I haven't even done that yet!
Thank you all for helping me to have this wonderful life.