I have something to share on
this topic, something I learned from Kathleen at ranch several years ago, and it has helped me immensely with cravings.
It has to do with two kinds of hunger: BE hunger and Real hunger.
BE Hunger = you have that sort of itch, a hunger for something, you don't necessarily know what, but you know that food has cured this feeling in the past. You eat, and immediately feel better. BE Hunger happens when our beta endorphin receptor sites (which are all over our body, inside and out) are open, empty and screaming. When we eat, especially sugar or something that gives a nice BE hit, the chemistry flows pretty quickly and those screaming BE sites
are happy and content and quiet down (for a while, until they starve again and start all over!)
Real Hunger = it's a similar feeling, but also might have an empty stomach feeling, or a feeling like the growlies inside. When we eat, we still feel not-so-great for a bit -- it takes about 10-15 or so minutes for the food to make
our empty stomachs feel okay when we have true hunger.
With real hunger, only food will satisfy it.
With BE hunger, we have a lot of options. True, food/sugar
will satisfy it. But so will a nice gentle BE raiser like taking a walk, picking up the phone and calling a good friend who will make you laugh, snuggling with puppies and kittens, getting a massage, etc. (ooooh, can't forget my fave, a nice relaxing soak in a hot tub!)
Those BE-raising activities satisfy those empty screaming
BE receptors just as the sugar does, only in a more gentle way so that it's not some big hit, and there is less of a big crash afterward.
When I stay mindful of this, it's enormously helpful. If I have a craving or itchy feeling between meals, I can check in and see if I am having BE hunger or real hunger. Hint: BE hunger is
more of a heart hunger. Real hunger is stomach hunger.
If it's stomach hunger, I check my journal and see if maybe I just didn't have enough at the last meal. Or maybe I've been doing some strenuous physical activity that is out of the norm for me... I check in and figure that out.
If it's stomach hunger, I have a protein/slow carb snack.
If it's BE hunger, I do one of my BE raising activities. Even if I'm working or in some awkward situation, there is almost always something I can
do! Even if it's to sneak off to the bathroom to meditate for 10 minutes, LOL.
Bottom line is, when you are aware of the difference, you have more options when the cravings come upon you.
I don't know about you, but when I clicked with this idea, I was able to relax about my sugar with meals, because I knew that I'd be okay, that I have an arsenal of options to get me through to the next meal.
Hope this is helpful!