COMMUNITY FORUM Share with others, ask questions, explore everything and anything about your program without a charge.
GROUPS Learn the steps, get fit safely, learn creative program cooking, learn about depression, learn with parents, share in local areas. There is no charge for groups.
I will be offering one 2 week class per month. Registration will be limited to 20 per class. If more sign up, I will open a second section. Classes are done by email, so there are no specific time constraints to be present. If you
are new to the community I strongly recommend you take the brain chemistry classes.
I feel very strongly about offering you a way to work with me directly. I have set up a whole range of options for you to do that - going from
private coaching to being involved in small groups. This link will
show you all the choices. Please note that Coaching Apprentice is open to people starting or restarting. Directed Coaching is a specialized format geared to people who would like concrete, specific direction, Coaching Skilled is for people who are settled with their steps and want to look at other issues more in-depth. Signature Coaching is for those who want to work individually with Kathleen in a 90-day process.
Another option is setting up a one hour assessment and then making a decision based on that conversation.
And you can always call 505-345-3737 and ask me about how each one works.
"The fun thing will be to see how your feelings emerge as you do the program."
This is total testament to
this program, lol. There is NO WAY my day would have gone like it did if not for doing the food.
So, originally I was supposed to play a piano piece for about 20 nursing students while they "walked" to get their nursing caps in a graduating ceremony. Did I mention that I am a beginner piano student who gets nervous very easily
in front of people LOLOL??? Well, last night I found out that it was actually 80 people that would be there. It got me for a second, but, breathe, I dealt with it pretty well.
When I arrived today I found out it was actually 200-300 people that I would be playing in front of!!!! Eighty people were graduating, and the rest were
friends and family that were attending.
First I'll describe how it would have gone before this program:
I would have freaked out, literally, and gone flush
and said over and over 'I just can't do that....'. I would have been FURIOUS with my friend for not knowing this and blamed her for anything that happened after the fact. I might have cried or come really close to it and would have tried desperately to get out of it. In my head I would have been convinced I couldn't do it, no matter what. If I had played anyway, not only would I have messed up, but I probably would have froze and then felt horrible after. I can guarantee my friend and I would
have had a major confontation. Yuck.
But this is how it did happen:
I had a fleeting flash of all of the above, lol, but quickly dismissed it. I realized
almost immediately that there was nothing I could do to change it and in the end it really didn't matter. I would be nervous either way (smile). I practiced as much as I could beforehand and tried to visualize just the music and not who would be there. In short, I handled it with grace.
Overall I did great for me, lol. I messed
up, but what was great was that I just kept on going and that's the hardest thing for me to do on a normal day! I am very proud of myself and for more than just my playing.
It was a HUGE rush, though, and I'll have to be extra careful these next days. Journal journal journal and spot on with the steps.
Thanks for listening!
Heather D.
This is David, your Radiant Recovery® Concierge
Come visit our STORE. Call 505-345-3737 if you have questions. David, the store manager, is always happy to help. Everyone
Loves the Go Stack! We have Spring Green.These are GREAT for travel.
I think this particular recipe is one of our all time favorites.
Radiant Living is geared to looking at Step 7 issues. These would include things like jobs, relationships, hopes, dreams and joys. It is open to people who are on Step 7 or people who have been on Step7, got lost and want to come back to what they know is best for them. We will be having some exciting topics in chat because I will be asking chat members to talk with me about some of
the material for the new revision of the book.
I want to look at being healthy and vibrant. Can I do this here? Absolutely. The chats alone are worth the price of joining.We have many people who use the program to work on their joyful relationship to food.
I am just starting the steps. Does it make sense to join now? Yes, it does. We have found that the people who come to chats do the best
with the steps. The connection in chat is awesome. If you are not a member yet, come and join us. If you are a current member and want to join us in the new chat room, come to the landing page. I will post the page chat words on the YLD list.
Thinking about Step 7 Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
Step 7 is an
interesting transition. The earlier steps were all designed to carry you out of addiction and into a steady state. They stabilized your blood sugar, increased your serotonin and beta-endorphin. You moved from being cranky, moody, erratic, and impulsive with a very low self-esteem into a thoughtful, humorous, intentional one with reasonable confidence.Life started looking a whole lot better.
You are no longer driven by a sugar addiction, and you're ready to step into what we have named the "getting a life " part of your journey. You are committed to getting and staying steady. You feel better about yourself, you have more impulse control, you are nice to be around. Your “doing the food” skills are pretty much assimilated and you can begin the work of understanding the harder stuff that led you into
addiction in the first place. This task, just like your earlier process of healing your bio chemistry is multileveled.
Step seven has some distinct parts of its own. The first is steady state, which is the time of holding your growth, learning new skills, integrating an addiction free life. Step 7 can create change which
is unsettling, it loosens you up.
You change and then slow down and catch up. It's like breathing in and breathing out. Neither is better. Most important early step seven is learning to be able to tolerate mess and feeling things that are uncomfortable without having to “do “anything about it right away.
When we were in an addictive state, we managed mess by simply having sugar so we never really learned the skill of “holding “ uncomfortable feelings. Step seven is about starting that process and then growing it into a rich and sustaining life style. |