• In Progress
    Posted in: Vegetarians  
  • August 18, 2015 at 6:37 am

    I’m having trouble with the quantity of food it takes me to get my serving of protein. I’m not a vegetarian but I do not eat meat at every meal or even every day and I can’t eat dairy.

    When I try to create meat and dairy free meals, my plate ends up with a pile of food that I can’t comfortably eat. I like eating lighter meals and am trying to find a way to bring some balance to this step.

    Quinoa and pepitas are really great but get tiring for almost every meal. I do beans perhaps once every couple days as I don’t digest them well even when cooked into a mushy soup. I do have some powdered protein for shakes but again, I can’t eat that for every meal.

    I need some more ideas. Anyone? Thanks for your help!

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