Hi Everyone. I am NoelAnn. Always a large and lovely gall all my life and I have no problem with that. Took me a lot of years to get there with all the societal pressure but here I am. However I am in my early 50s and my father developed type 2 diabetes. My aunt developed diabetes late in life. Obesity runs in the family and right now I am just too big for my body. I am on my way to my highest weight ever which is 30 lbs a way and currently i am 300lbs. I would like to get down to 199 and stay there because I see my Father at age 80 and he has swollen ankles and just watches TV all day. I want more. My goal is to not have this huge belly resting on my lap, not to sweat as much and I read that sugar can make you smell bad. Sometimes no matter what I do i smell bad and that has cost me. So i’m giving up sugar. Usually my diet isn’t that filled with it but this particular holiday season i just didn’t give a damn, wasn’t out with people much and so celebrated on my own. I love on my own with 3 lovely maltese dogs and 1 ruling cat. On a very limited budget. A neighbor and I decided to become walk buddies. Have’t done it yet but we’ve “decided” I told her last night i gave up sugar and she suggested this site. I purchased the book but it’s difficult to see the big picture through the information. I find most program related books that way. Found the 5 steps listed on the site but couldn’t fine more simple info so decided to post. Here. Registered. I don’t know when i’ll be able to get potatoes but today I started anyway. Potatoes are those things I’ve been told to shy away from so i haven’t been buying them… i mean if i’m going to be healthy i’ll get what i think is healthy and when i’m going to celebrate for the holidays and don’t care the first thing on my mind is not potatoes. 😉
Breakfast, 1/.2 can black beans and two eggs coffee with rice milk 10 am within one hour of getting up on this holiday.
Lunch,about 3 1/2 can black beans and i chicken tender breast w curry powder, small ant of olive oil. I was still hungry about 4 so i made a shake of trader joe’s vanilla whey protien powder, two scoops, about a fist size full of frozen mixed fruit. crushed ginger and turmeric. a drop of vanilla.
wrote about both. and i admit to feeling a bit better. i do have a mild headache but i think it’s a sinus related thing. Started journaling about it time and feelings.
If there is one page that has an outline of the program that would be great to find. meanwhile i’ll keep reading the book. I have it on kindle and it’s hard to find stuff. Thanks for the site. – NoelAnn
Anyway I hope this is a decent start.