Guide to the new Radiant Recovery Chatroom
- The main chatroom page is available only to members of Your Last Diet or Radiant Living. The page that hosts it is password-protected. You will see *This content is password protected* on the page.
Put the page password in the box and click enter the first time you visit. When you return, the site will remember you. If you do not remember the page password, ask on your membership list. After you put the page password in, you can sign into the actual chatroom. - Follow the instructions below to sign in and use the new chatroom.
Chatting on a desktop computer
- You’ll see two login options: RumbleTalk and Register.
- If this is the first time you’ve used the new chat you’ll need to register. Your login and password from the old chatroom will not work.
How to register
- Click register
- You’ll see this form:
- You must fill in your username, password and email. Your password must be at least 6 characters long and not contain commas. Write down your password in a place you remember. We do not have access to it.
Set a profile picture
If you want your own picture to appear in chat, the easiest way is to email it to Kathleen. She’ll upload it for you.
You can set your own profile picture during registration.
Upload an image from your computer
- Uploaded images must be no bigger than 120 pixels by 120 pixels.
- You can crop and resize images in most modern photo applications such as Photos on Windows 10 or the Mac. Alternatively, there are many easy-to-use online photo resizers like
- When you crop your picture, make sure it is square. This will ensure it is not distorted when you upload it.
- Click the paperclip image next to the Image field.
- Select the image from your computer.
- The image will change from the RR logo to your profile picture when it’s been successfully uploaded.
Link to an image online
- You can link to any size image online, but it’s a good idea to link to an image that’s roughly equal in width or height so it doesn’t become distorted. Any public social media image would work.
- Right click on the image.
- Select Copy Image Address (Chrome, Safari and Opera) or Copy Image Location (Firefox). (Internet Explorer doesn’t give you this option).
- Paste the link into the URL field.
- When you click away from the field, the RR logo will change to the image you’ve selected.
- If you want, you can add a short description about yourself in the Description field. This could be useful to identify you if more than one person has the same name.
- Confirm you’ve read the chat guidelines and terms for using chat. You can find them here:
- Click Register and you’ll be taken into the chatroom
Logging on
- Type in the box at the bottom to chat and press return
- Click on the smiley to the right of the ‘type a message’ box to add smilies
One of the exciting things about our new chat is that you can upload images
- Click on the paperclip icon in the message area.
- Click on the Add File icon. This will open the browser’s file selection dialogue.
- Choose the file and it will appear in the chat. Images can be any size but large images will take a while to upload. Images will appear in the chat window, documents will appear with a download link.
- Choose the person you want to chat privately with & click their name or picture on the users list.
- A window will open where you can send messages.
- Once a message has been sent, a window will pop in the other chatter’s screen where they can reply.
- You can block a user from sending you a private message by clicking on the settings icon
- Then click Ignore
- If you’re having a private conversation and receive a message from another user, a red indicator will be shown at the top of the user list and next to the second person who messaged you.
- You can open chat in a new window by clicking the Open chat in a new window icon. This is the second icon at the bottom left, under the list of users.
- Log out by clicking the circle at the bottom left, under the list of users.
Chatting on a phone or tablet
- You’ll see two login options: RumbleTalk and Register.
- If this is the first time you’ve used the new chat you’ll need to register. Your login and password from the old chatroom will not work.
How to register
- Click register
- You’ll see this form:
- You must fill in your username, password and email. Your password must be at least 6 characters long and not contain commas. Write down your password in a place you remember. We do not have access to it.
- Note that the Join this chat label on the mobile version of this form covers the label for your username. This is a design flaw. Put your username in on the top line.
Set a profile picture
If you want your own picture to appear in chat, the easiest way is to email it to Kathleen. She’ll upload it for you
You can set your own profile picture during registration.
Upload an image from your device
- Uploaded images must be no bigger than 120 pixels by 120 pixels.
- There are apps that will crop and resize photos.
- Click the paperclip image next to the Image field.
- Select the image from your computer.
- The image will change from the default logo to your profile picture when it’s been successfully uploaded.
- If you want, you can add a short description about yourself in the Description field. This could be useful to identify you if more than one person has the same name.
- Confirm you’ve read the chat guidelines and terms for using chat. You can find them here:
- Click Register and you’ll be taken into the chatroom
Logging on
- This is what chat looks like on a phone or tablet:
- On a phone, you may find it easier to chat in full screen mode. Tap on the three dots in the top right hand corner of the chat:
- The options box will appear. Select Full screen.
- Type in the box at the bottom to chat
- Click on the smiley to the right of the ‘type a message’ box to add smilies
One of the exciting things about our new chat is that you can upload images
- Tap the paperclip icon to the right of the message area.
- You’ll have the option to take a photo or enter your photo library
- Select a photo and it will appear in the chat.
- Note you may find it hard to reply to private messages on some phones.
- Open the users list by tapping the image of people at the bottom left of the chat. Choose the person you want to chat privately with & tap ther name.
- A window will open where you can send messages. This will appear on top of the main chat. When you’ve sent the message, you can just close the window.
- Once a message has been sent, a window will pop in the other chatter’s screen where they can reply.
- When you receive a private message, it will appear in front of the chat. Reply using the box at the bottom of the private chat.
- If you get a private message but you’re busy in the main chat, shut the window down, and go back to the main chat. Return to the private message by clicking the user’s name.
- Log out by clicking the three dots in the top right of the chatroom and select log out.