Here are the guidelines for participating in the Radiant Recovery® community. Please read them, they are important to us. Joining a chat means you are consenting to these guidelines.
Respect Privacy
You may learn about some pretty personal information. Be as respectful of privacy as you would like to be respected. Please don’t repeat anything someone says in chat or that you see in the transcript, without clearing it with the person first.
No ads/religion/politics
You may not share your own political or religious views, or any other product or program in chat. Our goal is to stay on topic and to keep the discussion safe for our very diverse community.
We also ask that you not include biblical references in your messages nor that you make reference to specific denominational language in your discussion. SPAM is strictly prohibited and all spammers will be banned and removed from the list.
No URLs to other sites
Do not post URLs for supplements, other sites, research or funny YouTube videos without checking with the chat moderator.
Stay on topic
Please keep on the topic being discussed in chat
Respect each other
As I am sure you realize from the books, I want to create a tone of acceptance, tolerance and compassion in the Radiant Recovery lists. I know you will participate in this. I do not tolerate *flaming*, rudeness or personal insults of any form. Neither will I tolerate discrimination against people based on their gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, disability or size. Anyone showing disrespect may be banned from chat.
No personal information
Don’t give out personal information in chat.
Give proper credit
If you quote something that was written by someone else, always quote the source. Since I am a published author, honoring copyright is very important to me.
Chat transcripts
Chat transcripts will be posted on the relevant Yahoo! Group for that chat. If the chat has been particularly sensitive, we won’t post it. If you’ve said anything you don’t want to be included in the transcript, please let a moderator know in chat or email
By continuing to use chat, you are agreeing to these guidelines. I do reserve the right to review or remove your chat membership if you are unwilling to abide by these guidelines.
Data collection and privacy
Our chat is hosted by a third party provider – Rumbletalk. Any data you provide when registering and during chat is securely stored on their site. Read their privacy policy. By using chat you agree to this.