About Radiant Recovery®

Radiant Recovery® is an online international community dedicated to healing unbalanced sugar sensitivity. Radiant Recovery® was founded in 1988 by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. and is supported by a group of dedicated volunteers whose lives have been changed by her work.

Kathleen is a compassionate coach, a social commentator, and cultural visionary who understands the essence of addiction in a compassionate and revolutionary way. She developed the concept of sugar sensitivity and transformed the way of looking at food as a healing agent in addiction.

She designed the Radiant Recovery community to support sugar sensitive people who are following the 7 Steps to healing outlined in her books Potatoes Not Prozac, The Sugar Addict’s Total Recovery Program, Your Last Diet, Little Sugar Addicts and Your Body Speaks.

Kathleen on the way to the gym with her son Ted

Kathleen and her son Ted

In 1998, before the social networking of today, Kathleen set out to build a worldwide community of supportive sharing. She has empowered hundreds of women and men to collaborate with her in providing support to thousands daily.

As the biochemical understanding of sugar sensitivity and sugar addiction has evolved, Radiant Recovery’s mission has transformed from a lone voice on the cutting edge of addiction treatment to a cultural leader and life guide. It inspires hope in hundreds of thousands worldwide who have suffered from alcoholism, sugar addiction, depression, eating disorders, and the complexities of parenting.

Radiant Recovery’s voice is caring, skilled and clear in a realm where fog, blame, and dysfunction abound. It provides not only hope but also practical skills for profound life change.

Radiant Recovery has a worldwide audience from all over the U.S. and Canada, Europe, Australia, and into the Far East including Mongolia, Japan, and Thailand. Kathleen’s books have been best sellers in the UK and the U.S. and have reached more than half a million people.

Kathleen in Oak Creek Canyon with Goldens

Kathleen in Oak Creek Canyon with Goldens

Radiant Recovery has become synonymous with the healing of sugar addiction through nutrition. The genuineness of its vision and the depth at which people have bonded with its message have powered the development of the website at www.radiantrecovery.com into a leading voice of hope and healing throughout the world. Radiant Recovery’s unique style and vision flow out into a vibrant and empowered collective voice of recovery.

DSC01028Kathleen lives with her Golden Retrievers in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She also serves as the President of the statewide Golden Retriever Rescue.

Radiant Recovery®
3807 Manchester Dr NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
505-345-3057 (fax)

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