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You are subscribed to Simple Solutions the monthly newsletter from Radiant Recovery®. To unsubscribe, find instructions at the end of this email. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter.

I think this week has been really difficult for all of us. The hurricane devastation in New Orleans is simply terrible. Please remember that this is a very big deal. It will rock you to your core, zap your beta endorphin level and leave you feeling wiped out even if your food is good.

Before I talk about this week's classes, let me remind you that I am going to do a seminar in NY on Sunday, September 25. We will cover 3 things: the overview of sugar sensitivity for those of you who are new, what we are learning about weight loss, and a special topic based on the interests of the participants. We still have some space, so if you would like to come, click here.

These new classes will begin the week of September 5. Click on a class to join. Usually I plan to start the classes on Monday. However sometimes I wait until Tuesday if we have some stragglers who are late getting over to yahoo so don't fret if nothing seems to be happening. The last set of classes are going a little slower as we take extra time to catch our breath. And if there are less than 8 people scheduled for the class I will postpone it until we get that many and will let you know.

Back to Basics 2 (must have completed Back to Basics 1) is the next in the series of coming back from relapse or wobble.

Step 4: More Intriguing Than You Think is the way to discover if you really need that potato thing and how to figure out what vitamins when.

Using Community Resources is the tour bus of the community. If you are new to town, this is the way to learn abut what we are and how the website works.

Doing the Steps: An Overview is a broad brush overview of the steps and how they work. If you have been doing all the stuff and are not sure how to work with the steps and your current plan, come on over and see an integrated picture.

YLDWeightloss is the ten-week class open to YLD members. I offer this 4 times a year. I think it is the most extraordinary series we have done. The last session was life changing. If you are interested in weight loss and have a good sense of the 7 steps,you will love this class. Remember, you must be a YLD member to join this class. If you signed up with YLD under a different email address, please note that when you signup for the class so we can find you.

Click here to take a look at what is coming up for the next few weeks and see if anything calls you.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. The classes are done online with one lesson each day. You do not have to be at your computer at any set time.

Please feel free to pass this week's newsletter on to your friends and family. Don't forget to let me know what you like and would like to see me cover.

Be sure to visit our Radiant RecoveryŽ website and Community Forum regularly.



September 5, 2005
** Quote From Kathleen **

Sometimes being quiet heals a lot. Take time for silence.


** Testimonial for the Week**

Here's a great idea about how to get moving even when you can't find any motivation to do so. There is a concept from CST that helped me. From a Russian saying: "the appetite comes with the meal."

(I know! -- huh what? LOL)

But it's like when it's dinner time and you're not that hungry, but when you see it and smell it, then it's like whoa, it's dinner time.

For movement, the idea is to do something, anything, that you really really like. Then when you're up, your appetite for movement might come back.

It does for me just about every time. The only times I want to go sit down and be immobile again is if I have no energy from sleep or food or water problems. But that's very different from motivation.

I use things like juggling couch pillows or tossing them at a family member. Hey they're always close at hand LOL! But then I just love games where you get to throw things.



**Recipe of the Week**

This is comfort food. It will help this week. I am going to make some tomorrow and have it during the week with hamburgers and fresh tomatoes.

Macaroni and Cheese

Preheat the oven to 350. Cook the pasta. drain and put in a 1 quart baking dish. Add the cheese and mix. Pour the milk over it and bake it for 35-45 minutes until it is bubbling. Your kids can make this.

Serves four and makes great leftovers. I eat it with fresh tomatoes this time of year.

Naomi is on vacation this week. She left a great recipe but I preempted for comfort food.



**Your Last Diet: More Than What You Think**

The primary YLDweightloss class starts this week. If you are already a YLD member you can click here to join. Everyone who did the last class loved it. A number of people are doing it again.

For those of you who are not yet YLD members, click here if you want to join We will be contacting those of you whose subscriptions are expired this week.

A number of you have asked me about the option of installment payments for YLD. We have set up an option of making 3 payments of $40 each. That option will come up when you go to subscribe.

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**David's Corner **

As I am sure most of you know, we have been offering George's Shake by subscription for several years. A number of you have asked me about being able to get other products by subscription. I regularly send out pycnogenol and fish oil all the time. People just tell the frequency they want it and I send it automatically. Kathleen and I were talking about this the other day over lunch. We came up with a way to help you have what you need as you need it without having to refill out an order form each time. We are setting up a master subscription option. Here is how it will work.

Click here to get a copy of the master list of the items we offer in this plan. You can either print this list and fax it back to me at 505-345-3057 or email it back to me. Just check what you want when and I will send it. Fill out a request for a master subscription authorization by clicking here This gives me your credit card or check info and authorization to send you the things you have indicated.

If you become a master subscription member, you will receive 10% off on every order you make through the plan.

Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. As you know from my note last week, I have set up a little planning group to talk about what we want for the store. Please click here to join me at radiantstoredevelopment.

One other quick reminder. We do not have a telemarketing company handle the phone service. If you call at 5 AM our time, you get the voice mail. You are welcome to leave your order or ask any questions. I will get back to you as soon as possible.


And of course, we have something for everybody in our store

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**Our Online Groups**

Elaine wants you to know the importance of breakfast and the benefits of joining the RadiantBreakfast group.

Most of us underestimate the importance of breakfast and try to do all the steps in the first week. When that doesn't work, we begin again. We concentrate on Step 1, breakfast, and find our lives begin to change.

The RadiantBreakfast list is a great place to learn the nuances of breakfast, build a strong foundation for the rest of the Steps, and find how helpful it is to share our journey with others. It is great for new people and those who have been on the program a long time. Sharing helps everyone.

The awesome thing is we all, Step 1 or Step 7, eat breakfast every single day. How cool is that?

We'd love it for you to Sign up


** Featured Topic**
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

I had planned to write about meditation this week. With Katrina, I think the concept of finding a quiet place without turmoil and fear inside is even more important. The whole thing has rocked me to my core. Tonight I was doing an IM with Kitty about animal rescue and I said, *this is like Hiroshima in slow motion.* The image stopped me cold. An entire city destroyed. Nothing is the same. No wonder we are stunned.

As I have tried to make sense of how to hold the enormity of this tragedy, I am getting more and more of a sense of simply being quiet and not slipping into fear and despair. Each of us will find a way to get mobilized, but the first step is creating quiet and calm and connection to the divine so we come from a filled up place. You sometimes here me talk of that divine stuff. You may have sensed it is there for me. In times like these, it becomes even more important. My food is the rock upon which I can rest in solace. My meditation is the way I do the resting. When I cannot carry a burden, I simply hand it over to something deeper and ask for help.

There is more to the story and I think this would be a good time to share it with all of you. Meditation as a whole other dimension. Many people get confused with the word, meditation. It conjures up many misperceptions. Sometimes people think it is scary because it allows space for something other than Jesus. Others simply do not know what to do, or think that it is some kind of strange Eastern practice in a lotus position.

My definition of meditation is very simple. It means creating silence, learning to stop commenting, whining and making and making lists. Sounds simple, yes? I don't think so. At least not for me. I think I can do this, then I start and my list maker starts being efficient. I have worked on this for a long time. But I was trying to force my brain to be quiet, so it never really worked. It was almost as if I was getting into a shouting match with my list maker over being quiet. In the past months, I have tried something different and want to share that with you.

The goal is to simply sit in silence with your eyes closed and your mind quiet for 20 minutes twice a day. I understand that this may seem totally unrealistic if your are busy, you have kids, you have a husband, a partner, a friend or 3 dogs who want you attention. You probably can list 100 reasons why you could not do this.

But simply make a commitment to start. Perhaps you can only manage 5 minutes at a time. This is fine. Five minutes will begin to set your body clock. Write down in your journal the length and quality of your meditation. For example, write, 9 minutes, choppy. Sit where you are comfortable. Find a way for your back to be straight. NO, don't lie flat and don't slouch in the easy chair. I sit on my bed with the pillow against the wall. The covers keep me warm when it is still cold in the morning.

Notice the time as you start. Close your eyes. As soon as you close your eyes, your brain will start. Lists and comments, munching, distract will start. Just laugh at yourself and see what you can do to quiet the noise. Some people use something called a mantra which is just a little sound that helps you focus. If you practice transcendental meditation they give you a sound to use after you take the course and pay the money. I like to be simpler. I have used a little prayer that goes heavenly father, divine mother, friend beloved god. I like saying it over and over. It trains my mind to say that under stress rather than saying something like oh s**t. The repetition of the prayer crowds out the list weeds.

I started with 5 minutes. The first period for meditation is early in the morning before the day starts. No phone, dogs still sleeping in the dark. I get up, go to the bathroom and then light a little candle on my bureau across from the bed. Sometimes I use a little yankee candle that smells like cookies. I don't think god minds. The candle comforts me. It is literally a light in the darkness. When I light the candle I look at the little bunny statue that is holding a basket with two tiny eggs in it. I think of the bunny and me coming before the divine with a small offering.

The morning time expanded to 20 minutes and became a joy rather than a hardship. Something happened along the way. I got skilled at repeating my prayer and I forgot the lists. One day I read about the idea of creating stillness, that the next level was to be quiet, to create a column of stillness. So, I thought, *hm, ok, I can try that.* What a surprise it was! Twenty minutes flew by, it felt like 2. I felt so refreshed. The time in meditation seemed to make my days expand.

Something else happened. I would get quiet and then it seemed like little drops of light were falling on a mirror. the first time it happened, I thought how strange, maybe too much potato the night before. But I liked it. So then I started with the evening time. Just before sleeping. get quiet, be still. And my life started to change. Same life, but everything different. I was not prepared for that. I thought doing the food was such a tool. I was not prepared for the amping up. But I like it. You will like it too.

ŠKathleen DesMaisons 2005.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, the liaison for the recovery list and the webmaster puts it all together
Naomi gathers the recipes
JoAnna, the liaison for affiliates gathers the testimonials
Marie, the liaison for diabetes gathers the info on the online lists
David, who runs the Radiant RecoveryŽ Store talks about what new products we have.