Conversations are grouped into topics so you can search for something you are interested in and join in, or you can start a new topic. This discussion is held on a list at our host service.
People are talking, bring your questions and ideas!.It is nice place to get started if you are new to the community and are wondering what to do. Join it now.
The groups list is up on the web site. Just sign up for the group you would like to join. Read about the group before you ask to join. Some groups are not open to everyone. We have a group called RadiantMentors which is for the volunteers who help you on the lists. If you ask to join that, you will get a little note from me declining
you :) Please note that Radiant Living and Your Last Diet are paid membership groups so there is a fee with them.
We do classes in several ways. Some classes are done right on the lists and there is no added charge for them. Some classes are done separately a couple of times a year. The Reflections class is done once
near Solstice and Christmas with no charge. Come over and check the class page. We will announce any classes here in the newsletter. I am just in the process of polling people to see if anyone wants to do classes.
Coaching is a special offering for people who are serious about enhancing their programs and would like to have ongoing coaching. Kathleen personally runs the coaching groups.This is not
a class but is a process to support your progress. We have added a special chat for people in coaching. It meets twice a week to accommodate those who are in Greenwich Mean Time and those who are in USA time.
Coaching includes several options now: Return to Radiance Coaching for those who have done the steps in the past and then drifted and would like to get back on track. Skilled Coaching is
for people who are steady on the steps and ready to work on Step 7 life skills.
The Group Coaching is $20 a week, billed in 2 week intervals. If you wish to join sign up for coaching and then we can talk about which section to join.
I also provide individual intensive coaching called Signature
Coaching. It can help you step out of the craziness of sugar addiction, return to steadiness and clarity after slipping away, slow down and focus on your recovery, or deepen a steady rhythm of recovery.
This is a 3 month process that includes doing an in-depth assessment of where you are in the process, designing an individual plan for you and then meeting once a week via phone or Skype to work on your progress.
This is the way to step out of feeling overwhelmed with where to start and what to do. Because it is so individualized, we can work on what is right for you at this point in your journey. People tell me that coaching helps them feel safe and focused. We work with your
style, your rhythm. This is a unique opportunity to release your fear and let go of shame.The guidance can shorten and ease your process so that in 3 months you will do what you might take a year to do on your own. Signature coaching is also an excellent way to tackle any special needs you may have. like wanting to get sober, or dealing with insulin resistance, or special medical concerns.
Sign up for Signature Coaching
"Think of your food journal as your body's book. Your body needs a place to tell its own story."
Well I am laughing. I have proved to myself, that for me it really makes a difference.
Just to give a brief background. My DH has a progressive disability. He has been on sick leave now a total of 4 months, and last week the specialist confirmed that he should retire on medical grounds. He is 43. The disability is beginning to affect his mind as well as the bodily evidence we have seen for some time. I have not previously had much to do with our finances. I have to learn fast. I
am finding it all very difficult and some parts of looking after me have taken a back seat. Including making sure I have spud available, and cooked.
For a while I have had whatever spud was left from dinner, and when there was none, I had porridge. I was gradually becoming more and more tired, burdened, grey, flat...overwhelmed. Yesterday I baked some spuds. Lots of them. I had one for lunch, stuffed with tuna and sundried tomatoes and basil and olives, with a side of chick peas (garbanzos) mashed with garlic, lemon juice and mint leaves.
I had a spud at dinner, and I had a spud, about the size of 2 hens eggs (bigger than I have been having) at the 3 hour mark after dinner, then I went to bed. I slept deeply, had some dreams which I can't remember, and woke refreshed, with a clear mind. Hopeful and purposeful. Responsive, and with a renewed sense of humour. As opposed to vaguely resentful, slightly weary or burdened, this is
No they are not huge differences. It is subtle. How I was feeling this last fortnight is a lot better than what used to be normal (smile). But how I feel today, is *good.* Radiance is a deep thing, not a shallow shine on the surface, it is like a Joy which has roots in my being, not reliant on day to day events and doing.
Does it *have* to be a spud? no, but a spud is the best (smile.
David, my oldest son, runs our store. He makes sure your orders go out quickly and works with you to find the best things suited to where you are in your process.
Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. I am putting Restore in again because you got so excited about it.
Come visit our STORE. Call 505-345-3737.
We got an email asking about the copyright of the cookbook. David sent it to me, I wrote the person and said, what are you wondering. She wanted to know the date it was published. I had no idea but went and looked to see it was 2001. That was early on when you all needed support and ideas. I went though the whole
book. Man, it is wonderful! This is such a fantastic resource if you are starting out. Not only is is great recipes, but it is all sorts of REALLY helpful information. It is a little treasure chest!
Your Last Diet: More Than What You Think
YLDonline is a membership program run directly
by Kathleen DesMaisons herself.
When should you join YLD? Anytime you want extra coaching. Anytime you want to be able to talk about losing weight. You DON'T have to be on step 7 to join us. In fact, the sooner you join, the easier the whole process. Right now we are talking about which kind of exercise is best to support your weight loss. We soon will be talking about the gene codes that determine
whether you will be a loser loser or a fast loser and what to do about it.
There is a lifetime membership fee of $99 to join YLD. This means if you go away for 5 years to try all sorts of other things that don't work and come back, you still have a membership and a great welcome!
Problem Solving for Sugar Sensitive Dilemmas
by Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD
People often ask me how they can sort something out. You say, Kathleen, I just cant figure out what to do. Often you are desperate and feel that you have to know NOW.
Well, first of all, the haziness, that sort of fog and cloudy sense of not knowing is often induced by what you are eating, or by when you are eating. Skip a meal and get dumb. Have sugar and whites, and get foggy and not be able to make sense of anything. These are the times when you push forward trying to find answers and you feel as if you are pushing into cotton. Nothing comes, even if you wrestle for hours.
The first way out, of course, is doing the steps. I know you thought that doing the food would just deal with cravings and your weight, and maybe mood. But there is a huge payoff...you get clarity as well. The fog lifts. Things make sense. Answers come unbidden without thrashing.
But lets say you have a problem now. You can't wait for step 7. You need some practical skills today. So lets do some of those.
Usually, sugar sensitive people munch. This means you say, "Is it this? Is it that? Is it this? Is it that?" You never find anything, you just fret for hours. The task is to go under what appears to be the question and seek a deep answer. Go under the surface, see what it conceals.
When you start you will often think you are too busy to sit with it. Or if you sit, you just munch so why bother. This is different. You take one issue, and you decide to focus on it. You call a sense of clarity. You basically decide to leave the munch and ask the real question. Let me give you an example. I recently had a discussion with a friend who is trying to figure out some major life choices. Should she go to graduate school, what if
she gets the new job she was interviewed for, should she stay with the old job, what if she has to move, how will she have enough money? Sound familiar? So I suggested this technique of going under the munching. I asked her what she wanted in her life in 5 years. I asked her to sit with that in stillness for maybe 30 minutes and let all the stuff quiet. This is going under the surface. Not the munching, but the real question.
She did. And she discovered that she really, really wants to be an art therapist. You might imagine that all the munching faded away. Once she was clear, the choices were clear. She didnt have to wait for step 7. And she realized that she had been munching for weeks and had never stopped to ask what was underneath.
Once she was clear, she focused her energy and in 3 days, all those issues were settled. Concentrated focus is a mighty tool but we rarely use it. We dissipate it with sugar or munching. This is a learned skill. We will talk more about it as we go. Practice the first piece.
Warmly, Kathleen