December 26, 2011 Hi {!firstname_fix} I hope you have all had lovely holiday celebrations. Chanukah is continuing, Soyal has started and then today brought Christmas. This has been a very rich and peaceful time this year. I have LOVED my YLD stocking! The dogs loved their treats. I went to some lovely parties and had a nice time. All in all, a good celebration of the promise of healing. This morning I started journaling my dreams. I have been told that if you journal dreams for the 12 days of christmas (from today through the 6th of Jan), each dream will tell you of the corresponding month. I am going to try it. Don't forget about registering for ranch if you want that special price. These classes will begin Wednesday, December 28, 2011. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page: Using Radiant Resources (1 week) - is a free orientation for those of you who are brand new and would like to find your way around town. Come sit on the top of our double-decker bus for a guided tour. And even if you are not brand new, this is a really fun class to reconnect with all the treats of the community. Getting to Radiant Ranch (8 weeks) - is an ongoing 8-week class to provide skills, motivation and support in getting to Radiant Ranch. This class is especially geared to folks who are feeling that Ranch is too expensive for them and are baffled about how to find a way to do it. This is creative problem solving. These classes will begin Wednesday, January 4, 2012. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page: Radiant Step 1 (2 weeks) - is our foundation class to get you started. Learn all four parts of step 1 in a structured way. Learn how to progress through them with enjoyment. Let us support getting your program off to a fabulous start. Radiant Step 2: Skilled (2 weeks) - is the second level of journaling. This is for those of you who know *how* and want to learn what to do with your data. This class shows you how to interpret what you have written in an exciting and pragmatic way. The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
** Quote From Kathleen ** What seems like a story of food is really a story of possibility. **********************************************************************
** Testimonial of the Week ** You are not alone with getting cocky and letting the justa's creep in. This happened to me fairly recently too. I had made it to Step 7 and was feeling great. I started to feel like I didn't have to try anymore. That was a big mistake :-) My journal slipped and I had a similar thought as you did - it doesn't matter, I know I am eating well I don't need the journal to tell me that. hehe, silly me. It took some help from Kathleen and the YLD list for me to realize my food was not really as great as I thought it had been. Finally being able to admit to myself that I had slipped was just what I needed to get myself back on track. I still have a bit to go to really get back to where I was, but I'm well on my way. So it is great that you have realized that you have slipped and need to focus on step 3 again. That in and of itself is a big step! As for friends giving you free sugar - as you get steadier on the steps, it will be easy to just say no thanks or to take it and later pass it on to someone else who might enjoy it. In fact, right now I have a HUGE glazed donut on my desk that a co-worker gave me this morning and I don't really care that it is there - it's not calling to me, I don't care that I'm not eating it. I plan to pass it off to my DH at lunch. Keep posting, committing to journaling, and focusing on the food and you'll get back to a steady step 3 :-) -Stephanie **********************************************************************
** Radiant Ambassadors ** If there were to be a Radiant Recovery bumper sticker, what would it say? Let me know either via email or on the Radiant Recovery Facebook page! Selena selenas@blueyonder.co.uk Come join us if you are excited about spreading the news. **********************************************************************
** How I Found Radiant Recovery ** Hi, I am Kathy living in LA, Ca. I have been eating breakfast now for about 8 weeks. I had a reading of 6.5 on an A1C ( glucose ) test and that is what motivated me to again get out the books. This program has worked so far for me. I see results in just the 8 weeks. I have only done the first 3 steps. Looking forward to learning a lot more. I had learned about Radiant Recovery years ago when a friend recommended reading Potatoes not Prozac. At the time it sounded interesting but I just ate the potato at night and didn't follow the program. Then life got in the way. I returned to RR when I had a high A1C reading of 6.5 and the doctor said I was diabetic. I still had all her books on my shelf, so I began reading about the sugar addiction. This past August 9th, 2011, I began the program. Within 3 months, by November 11th my A1C was down to 5.7 and I had lost about 10 pounds. Now that I am more stable I want to improve following the diet more closely. Eating the breakfast really does set the tone for the entire day. **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. I hope you all have had a nice Christmas day. I am having a great time visiting my Dad and Jen and Ted. Made everything feel good. Look for our new year's specials next week. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
** Radiant Kitchen ** This is a wonderful recipe from Mosaic. I've been trying to make an oat-y type of cobbler using oats, but I've noticed that when I use uncooked oats the cobbler comes out chewier than I like, and if I use cooked oats it comes out 'damper' (for lack of a better word) than I like. Last night I tried something different and it worked beautifully. I mixed the oats with the yogurt in my baked oatmeal (very cobbler-y recipe) and let it sit in my fridge for a few hours. The oats must have absorbed some of the moisture from the yogurt, because when I cooked with it, it came out perfect - just a lot of hearty oat flavor with a good "al dente" feel to it! So I've modified my baked oatmeal recipe as such:
After letting the oat mixture set and you’re ready to move on, whisk together the egg, butter, and vanilla in another bowl. Blend two bowls of ingredients together and fold the chopped apples in. Spread mix in an 8-inch dish. Bake for 45-50 minutes, until the top is nicely golden. Remove from the oven and let cool for a few minutes. If serving warm you could mix a little milk or cream with it, or a slice of cheese since it’s a lot like apple pie. For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site. **********************************************************************
** Radiant YLD ** It has been amazing how settled we all are this year. No angst about holiday parties and such. No gorging with the expectation that we will *get back on track* come January first. It is as if the old diet-head patterns are gone now. It is simply another time of steady, finding solutions to do *program* no matter what. If you would like to join, come find us here **********************************************************************
** Radiant Conversations ** We have a new portal for the Conversations program. Come check it out here. I love the tone of what is happening in our conversations. I would say we all come away feeling uplifted and refreshed, Yes. If you would like to join us, you can do that below. Join YLD Weight Loss Now: click here - $99 Join Conversations 2011 Now: click here - $99 Join Both YLD and Conversations Now: click here - $149 Current YLD members wish to Upgrade to Both, click here - $49 Current YLD members who wish to Transfer to Conversations 2011 Only can do so for a $14.99 admin fee: click here If you are not a member, come and join us if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun! **********************************************************************
** Our Online Groups ** The Radiantdepression group is all about support for the person who is depressed and trying to work Kathleen's 7-step program of recovery from sugar addiction. Many of us have struggled with severe depression for years without any hope of finding an end to it. But through doing the food we have found that hope returning and have found light where before there was only darkness. Some of us are taking anti-depressants while doing the food, so we talk about how the two are compatible and we also share about getting through the tough spots together, with support from each other. If you are feeling depressed please come join us. There is hope. If you are feeling depressed please come join us. And a lot of what we do is shift our filter from misery to joy. **********************************************************************
**Merry Christmas Message ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
I first wrote this letter in 2004. It sure is true today. I thought it would be fun to send you a Christmas letter this year. We will get "back to business" next week. I know that many of you are aware that I have a litter of little Golden retriever rescue puppies. Ten bright, little holy terrors are raising the roof in Albuquerque. What an experience it has been! Yesterday morning at 8 AM, the big dogs were outside barking and barking. One new rescue was breaking down the door to come inside. "Hmmm," I thought. Must be a balloon outside." I opened the door and went outside in my slippers. Bright blue sky, with a yellow striped huge hot air balloon floating just above my white reindeer on the roof. It took my breath away. New Mexico is an amazing place this time of year. Somehow the commercialism is tempered by the traditions. Green boughs wrapped around old posts. White snow on adobe walls. That blue, blue. And we get ready for the night of holy lights. On Christmas eve the whole city turns off the colored lights and lights luminarias - paper sacks filled with sand and holding a single candle. Hundreds of thousands of them. The whole city is quiet and flickering from dusk until very early Christmas morning. This time each year, I feel very connected to the Radiant Recovery® Community. I often think that each person in recovery is like those tiny paper sacks filled with light. Nothing fancy, nothing sexy, no glamour. Just this exquisite soft, luminous light in the darkness. I think of us as little luminarias. We eat breakfast, we have potatoes, we write notes in our journals. We chose to stand away from Christmas cookies, from eggnog, and we chose a way of being in the world that says "I want something more." One tiny light can be seen for miles. But a hundred lights, a thousand lights, a million lights flicker in a big way. Your commitment, your openness and willingness to heal are a light to me. You fill me with your hearts and teach me that community is the gift that holds and heals us. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you. You lead me through the darkness. I hope you have a blessed and happy light filled time. With much love, Kathleen Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. Selena provides the weekly Ambassadors column. ©2011 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/ |