May 9, 2011

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Well, Ranch is upon us. People start arriving on Wednesday. We have all the details set to go. This year will be especially fun since a whole number of new people are coming from Albuquerque. It is always exciting to have a great mix of returning people and brand new people.

We even have our annual puppy litter here for Ranch. For the last 5 years or so, I always seem to get a litter of pups in rescue. Come to ranch, take home a pupper.

We all love ranch and look forward to it every year.

There will be no classes beginning the week of Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

These classes will begin Wednesday, May 18, 2011. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:

Brain Chemistry: Dopamine (2 weeks) the newest addition to the brain chemistry series. Learn about the mighty cousin to serotonin and beta endorphin. Learn how he sparkles and seduces and what to do to have him as an ally rather than a dragon. If you have taken the other two classes but not this one, come join will love seeing how it fills the package out.

Weight Loss: First Steps (2 weeks) is a class for those of you who want to lose weight and are looking for guidance in getting started with that process. This class shows you how the seven steps get you ready for doing weight loss. We have extended the start time to allow those people going to ranch to get home and get settled before they start.

The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned.

Please wait to sign up for classes until a week or two before, and do not sign up for classes that are not yet scheduled.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum.

Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly.



** Quote From Kathleen **

When you eat according to your food plan, you will have a solid sense of self-esteem that comes from biochemical balance, clarity and well-being.


** Testimonial of the Week **

I can tell you, I fought the "within an hour" part for a couple of YEARS (I'm not kidding.) I'd been meditating for 25 years, and the "rule" was you meditate before you eat anything. Then I finally decided I just wasn't getting the results from the food that I had hoped for so I thought ... well ... maybe I'll eat first.

Lo and behold, my morning meditations were actually BETTER after breakfast. And *I* felt infinitely better.

Honestly, eating within an hour of getting up makes such a difference! I now have a routine where I get up, go into the kitchen, feed the cats, put my breakfast in my steamers and on the stove, set my timers, then take a shower and dress, and breakfast is ready exactly when I am. I know people who put their breakfast cereal in the crockpot so it's ready as soon as they get up, which I've also tried. My elaborate little ritual amuses me, but I can simplify it when I need to. When I travel I do everything in one steamer.

You'll find a routine that works for you!



** Radiant Ambassadors **

I thought I'd have a look through the reviews of Potatoes not Prozac on Amazon UK and it makes for interesting reading.

It seems that 19 of the 23 reviewers have given the book five stars out of five - well, you can't get any better than that!!

What is even more interesting are some of the titles of the reviews that have been added this year:

"This book really did change my life"
"Life changing"
"A new outlook on food"

And that's just the titles!! I know that I'd certainly want to have a look at a book with that kind of review!

Do feel free to add your own review on Amazon, be that Amazon UK, Amazon US or anywhere else that Amazon has a presence. The more reviews they receive, the more Amazon will take notice of the books :)


Come join us if you are excited about spreading the news.


** How I Found Radiant Recovery **

G'day from Australia. My name is Mandie.

I discovered PNP and RR when searching google for Sugar Addiction in January this year. I have read a few books on sugar addiction over the past year and have been on/off since that time.

I have to admit that I started my journey into radiant recovery by working a little backwards as I skipped ahead originally and did all of the steps very close together, hahaha. I felt comforted when I read on the forum that others dive in like that and that it can be considered a trait of sugar sensitive peeps!

But I'd read the importance of starting at the beginning with a "beginner's mind." So I looked at mastering Step 1, although I was trying to do all other things at once…journalling, eating the potato, choosing brown versions of foods rather than white (which was something I was doing anyway) and not eating sugar (it was at the time the easiest three week break I had ever had).

I’ve learnt now I detoxed far too quickly and of course, I ended up back on sugar, in a big way (all those receptors open and ready to receive the hit after my three-week sugar sabbatical!). But rather than chastise myself for my weak will or lack of control, I understood it was more of function of my brain chemistry and trusted the process of the steps. So regardless of my uncontrollable sugar bingeing, I scaled back on all other steps I was attempting to do and just focused on breakfast.

After doing breakfast consistently, every day, within the hour, with enough protein (I rotated favourites of tofu, eggs, tempeh, turkey burgers, salmon, and tuna with different mixtures of vegetables and rice or gluten-free toast) for a month I moved onto looking at other steps. I feel solid with my journalling now too – I love exploring what my body is trying to tell me. So just the past couple of days I have started exploring the nano steps of step 3. I’ve joined the step 3 list and am overjoyed to find such an active group, with so many people supporting one another through what I believe will be my toughest step to master. I’ve only been watching the conversations so far, but I am building up to posting!

What amazes me so far as I have been journeying through the steps is how things are slowly shifting for me. I can read my body better already. I’m playing around with quantities of protein and carbohydrates and fats and different types of brown to see which ones hold me for longer. It’s now a fun experiment each day. I look forward to waking up each day just to see what I can learn and master about my food. It’s certainly changing my perspective to “food = fuel,” not “food = comfort/feeling good/release from boredom” (although I do still really love the creative process of cooking and the enjoyment of eating a variety of different combinations).

The sugar bingeing has stopped and now I enjoy eating my “sweet treat” with lunch. The past couple of days I have noticed I am a lot calmer and even this morning I noticed I chatted a lot more with strangers at the farmer’s markets. I feel like I am more eager to connect with people, rather than isolate myself in my sugar-addicted prison. This is huge for me. I can now start to see glimpses of what people on step 7 refer to as their life of radiance. If it only gets better from here, I can’t wait!

Nice to connect with you all and become a part of this amazing community.

Mandie :-)


** Radiant Recovery® Store **

David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son.

My daughter LOVES this cookbook because the recipes are so easy to make. I have to admit that I love it too and have been known to cook from it. I make those waffles, then make a sauce with melted butter and the maple flavoring from here. That is good, good. It's a nice treat for Sunday morning breakfast.

Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better.


** Happenings on Facebook **

Radiant Recovery® International | Promote Your Page Too

We have thousands and thousands reading this newsletter. Would you be willing to come over to our page and become a fan?

Come find us on Facebook at and join the fun!.


** Radiant Kitchen **


  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 1 cup brown rice flour
  • ˝ cup George’s Restore
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • ˝ tsp. cinnamon
  • ˝ tsp. salt
  • 2 cups oatmilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup butter melted and cooled
In a bowl mix together oat flour, brown rice flour, protein powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.

In another bowl mix together oatmilk, eggs and butter.

Add wet ingredients to dry and cook in waffle iron. For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store.


** Radiant Conversations **

Last week we had so much fun talking about the joys of play. What a fabulous list you all made up for ways to play. I have printed it and have it up on my wall to remind me what to do. PLAY RULES!

If you are not a YLD member, come and join us. Click here if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun!


** Our Online Groups **

On the Radiant Fitness group we talk about how doing the food can support our fitness program and vice versa. Some favorite topics are what to eat when doing intensive exercise when all that's out there commercially are sugar filled products. We also talk about what to eat before and after morning workouts, and what to do for those folks whose training program requires a twice a day workout. We just had a great thread on the necessity of sports drinks and how doing the food is better.

We have runners, walkers, bikers, dancers, aerobicizers, yogis, and many more types of exercise enthusiasts on the list. One of the neat things I see on the list is people who are recovering from exercise addiction who are learning how to work exercise back in their life in a healthy way. If any of this fits you, well, come on over and join in.

Or come to the group page to find the one that will best support your program:


**Changing the Food Changes Everything **
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

Albuquerque has a mountain to the East. It rises more than 10,000 feet. I see it out my windows. I watch the light change on it all day, every day. In the morning, the sun rises over it, in the evening, the moon comes up. At dusk, the sun in the West casts a purple light that lasts just a short time. The mountains light up. Sometimes I just sit in a chair on the front porch and watch the light moving on the mountain at dusk.

I have a poster that I have had since college. It says:

The mountain moving day is coming.
I say so, though others doubt.
Only a while the mountain sleeps.
In the past
All mountains moved in fire.
Yet you may not believe it.
Oh friend, this alone believe,
all sleeping women
now will awake and move.

Yosano Akiko

I went to college in the late sixties. It was a time of great turmoil and awakening. Women at that time were breaking out of old expectations. When I started college, we wore girdles and white gloves and had dorm mothers. Half way through, in the summer of '68, we came back and nothing was the same. Many of my friends were angry and taking action. I was reading South American educational writing called the "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" that talked about teaching literacy in the context of meeting people where they are. Teaching through meaning. I was writing an honor thesis about awakening the spirit of the person yearning to be whole.

I was not in the streets those years. I was at home with infants. I dropped out of school and did mother things. When my children were tiny, I was a single mom going back to school and working full time. I was sleeping still in the demands of regular life, learning how to manage raising children, having a new career in public health, thrashing about in creative sugar sensitivity. That would mean the same things you all struggle with - mood swings, bouts of angst, bouts of brilliance and hope countered by despair and inadequacy. Not knowing about the food shaped everything.

I had framed that poster. I always had it in my bedroom. I never really knew why except that it comforted me about that time in my life when everything had seemed so, so possible. Then I came to New Mexico and the mountain was there. The deepest part of me was stirred and I said, *I need to be there* and arranged my life to make it happen.

The mountain spoke to me with her majesty. I felt as if her roots went as deep as her peaks. This made no rational sense. I was a woman of the sea. There was no ocean here, just that big rooted mountain sitting over there to the East. So I just did regular life, sitting here at my computer facing the mountain, answering email, connecting with all of you. And our community started to root, down deep like the mountain.

We learned to trust our recovery, to trust one another, to trust this life so different from the old one. A life of peace and wisdom and humor. A life that is funny and connected and caring. You came to an annual seminar here. We called it *ranch* and even though it was held in a regular life little chain hotel, the mountain magic stirred you too. People said, *Well, what is the agenda anyway?* and I would say the official things because I couldn't really say, *come and meet the mountain please.*

The mountain moving energy is now breathing us. It is a like a big rock that does not move no matter how things change around it.

I had wondered about sharing this with you. Wondered what it would be like to tell you the story the way I am living it. Do I share the inside part and let you see what is beneath the story of the author writing about potatoes? Do I reveal that the story is bigger than just what you eat? That changing the food changes everything?

I think changing the food means we see mountains, we feel mountains, we become mountains.

The mountain moving day has come.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together.
David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store.
Selena provides the weekly Ambassadors column.
Tina tells us what's happening on Facebook.

©2010 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction.

You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www.