Hi {!firstname_fix}
I have just finished attending a four-day seminar in New York City on working with the media. I met with people from Oprah, Montel, The View, Conan O'Brien, Fox News, 48 hours and many, many radio stations. The seminar was designed to teach us to do an effective *pitch* in 3 minutes. This means distilling your life in a sound bite (smile). Sort of like relaying the American Revolutionary War as - the British invaded the country, we won the war. Since I am a story teller rather than a sound biter, this was pretty difficult. Of course, if I was skilled at it, I would not have been at the seminar. I know you all know how it feels when we get stretched way beyond the comfort zone.
This week I am going to write some about the new government ruling that obesity is to be thought of as a medical condition and therefore treatment is open for reimbursement by medicare. As you might guess, I have some strong feelings about the idea of surgical solutions to obesity for seniors.
Please feel free to pass this week's newsletter on to your friends and
family. Don't forget to let me know what you like and would like to
A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www.
radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe,
use the link at the bottom of the page. Do not email me, do not get mad
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And be sure to visit our Radiant RecoveryŽ website
and Community Forum regularly.
July 19, 2004
** Quote From Kathleen
Being fat is not the issue. It is a symptom of something much bigger. Healing what creates being fat is key.
** Testimonial for the Week**
I am going for a check up with my doctor. I have my hardcover copy of SARP to deliver (I
may bring PNP, too) and I am really looking forward to it.
I think this could help a lot of people. This doctor runs a very busy
practice, and has said he would like to find something that works
better for people than bariatric surgery. He told us when he did
my mother's that he hoped by 5 years down the road he would
never have to perform a gastric bypass again.
Probably what will speak to him most is my non-surgical
weight-loss, but I hope he sees beyond that to the healing. I
hope he gets the message that losing weight may temporarily
get rid of a symptom, but real healing goes so much deeper.
According to the doc's receptionist (who wrote down the url for
the RR website and the title of the book) lots of patients are
gaining the weight back anyway, and some are coming back for
repeat surgeries.
I really hope to reach out to folks with an alternative. I think, in a
way, having weighed over 400 pounds was a blessing, because
I can say to people with 200+ pounds of extra weight, "hey, I have
been where you are, and I know you can heal."
Also, I was flipping channels the other night and came upon
Discovery Health channel airing yet another woman's story about
gastric bypass. I swear I am going to write to them, and beg
them to do a story about *healing* for food addiction instead of
all the surgery. I'd swear the bariatric surgeons of America were
funding their station with all of the surgery stories.
I love to share the healing...
**Radiant Ambassadors**
We have set up a new online group for those who want to help spread the
news about what our program does. We called it radiantambassadors and
are they rocking! Gail, who you know, is excited about the new book, wrote a magazine called Daughters to tell them about it. They wrote back and asked her if she would write an article for them. She was stoked!
David's Corner **
Seems as though everyone shared the word about how great the Water Mug was, we are quickly selling out. So make sure to get your order in if you are interested. |
I also wanted to remind you of the excitement that is building for Dr. Kathleen's brand new book "Little Sugar Addicts" that is being released in 10 days. It continues to climb up the Amazon.comlist of best sellers. I have just started to read a sneak copy myself.
Please send questions and
suggestions for items you might like to see in our store. YOU are
building our store. Tell me what you want and we will sort it out.