May 24, 2010 Hi {!firstname_fix} Well we are back from Radiant Ranch. It was an astounding experience. I have written about it in the article below. I think we all have been easing back into regular life. I loved having everyone here. One of the things we talked about at ranch was planning one-day local seminars. I told people that if we had 20 people, I would come for a day. The folks in Denver, CO got all excited about this idea so they are working on it. If you live in that area, let them know on the list, so they can see if it will be feasible. And I have some exciting news. As many of you realize, Dr. Christiane Northrup was the first person to recognize the power of Potatoes Not Prozac. She sent me to her agent, and played a tremendous role in its publication. She was my guardian angel and I am grateful to her beyond compare. She has rewritten and updated her classic book, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. It will be available for purchase on May 25. Here is what she says about it: When I wrote the first edition of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, which came out in 1994, the book was based on my many years as an OB/GYN physician. I had seen up close and personal everything that could go wrong with the female body. Because the body is so highly influenced by our beliefs, I knew that I had to introduce an entirely new way of viewing the female body if women’s experiences were to change. And that’s what I did in Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Now, I LOVE Chris and feel she has written the bible for women's health. I totally want to support the success of her new book. So here is what I would love for you to do..get a copy of the book on the 25th. Get it at Amazon or Borders or Barnes and Noble so we make a statement while they are doing the publicity tour. Read it, share on Facebook, share on Twitter. I am going to. Let's help with the buzz. If you are grateful for Potatoes Not Prozac, show it by thanking Chris. These classes will begin Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page: Radiant Step 2: Introduction (2 weeks) will teach you the basics of journaling. The class will give you step by step instructions in how to record your food and feelings in a way that gets you excited. Terri, the mentor of the Step 2 list, has been teaching this class, and people LOVE what she is doing. Brain Chemistry: Serotonin (2 weeks) is one of our most popular classes. It helps you make sense of why the potato works, why you have a problem in the winter and how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can play into this. If you munch in your mind, if you are depressed or edgy or feel sad, this is the class for you. These classes will begin Wednesday, June 2, 2010. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page: Radiant Store Tour (1 week) is a free guided tour of the store. David will be leading this class so if you want to get to know the guy that makes it all work, come sign up and show your support for the work he does to keep you happy. Radiant Step 7 (2 weeks) is the class where we learn the art of getting a life after sugar. This class is for people who have been off of sugar for six months and have been working on Step 6 during that time. Getting Started With Limited Funds (2 weeks) is a special free class for those of you with limited funding who are trying to make do. Come hear some fun ideas to maintain your humor and find tasty and inexpensive solutions. The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. Please wait to sign up for classes until a week or two before, and do not sign up for classes that are not yet scheduled. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
** Quote From Kathleen ** Words for feelings are not good or bad. They are simply a way to help you understand what is happening. **********************************************************************
** Testimonial of the Week ** Hi everyone, I've just returned from Radiant Ranch, our annual meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every day started the same way--with a lovely solid breakfast :) The first morning, I ate in the hotel restaurant with my roommate--a nice big omelette and skin-on country-fried potatoes. Other mornings I had hot cereal in my room, made in my little crock pot, with simple power milk (almond milk plus Restore) whipped up in my roommate's Magic Bullet blender. And for two mornings there was also a nice breakfast buffet before the sessions started. On those days I had an early breakfast in my room, then had a second breakfast from the buffet. It worked well because I was learning a lot, spending time with old and new friends, and I was extra hungry. It was a true delight, however, to be home in my own kitchen this morning. I had my usual hot cereal and power milk, yum, yum. A great breakfast starts every day with my feet on the ground. It is my little miracle meal. Jeannie **********************************************************************
** Radiant Ambassadors ** I love being on the ambassadors list. It means that I get sent articles that are relevant to Radiant Recovery all the time. Look what one eagle-eyed radiant person found in a British newspaper recently: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/donrsquot-blame-it-on-the-burgers-1970487.html It seems studies have been carried out showing that simple carbohydrates (including sugars) may actually be worse for our health than saturated fats. I think scientists are starting to ask the right questions at long last. How exciting is that! Do feel free to add your comment at the bottom of the article too - you never know who else might come along, read it and tootle on over to the website. Selena Come join us if you are excited about spreading the news. **********************************************************************
** How I Found Radiant Recovery ** I had heard of Potatoes Not Prozac, but didn't really know what it was about and wasn't sure if it was one of those "trendy diet books". I was (still am) on Paxil and thought I should know more about that - it was helping but not really enough. I had also noticed, for some time, how people (especially me) sought out things that increased their endorphins. I started to think that we were all just endorphin puppets - we thought we were living by our free wills but really just drawn to whatever raised them. Also had been struggling with blood sugar issues for years and years (jittery, sweaty, tired in between meals. And the cravings! ). I finally figured out that I needed to eat some protein (it wasn't enough, but better) and no sugar or white flours for breakfast and things were a lot better. Also am overweight and tested my blood sugar with my husband's meter and got several slightly high readings. So did I go to the doctor? No - I just tried to eat better/exercise more. But sugar always snuck back in. And I noticed thinking about sugar was one of the only things I looked forward to. By the time I started the program I was starting to crave alcohol, and I hardly drink. That scared me. Searching for answers, I read Dr. Christianne Northrup's book about menopause, and she recommended Potatoes Not Prozac. Well, if she thought it had some truth in it, maybe I could have a look. So I read it, loved it, and tried a few things. My brain needs to look at the whole picture and see how things fit with my life before I commit. Then about a year later I got serious about it and am slowly moving through the steps. Thankful to be here. Mary **********************************************************************
** Radiant Kitchen ** We have been talking a lot about lunches because of ranch. I thought you would love these suggestions from Kath. I found it important to have containers which sealed well to carry my lunch things. Sometimes I reused plastic takeaway containers, but now I have afforded some more flexible and durable plastic boxes and don't have the dismaying surprise of a split box or one that does not seal well. A gel ice pack helps to keep the lunch cold too, which can be very important. Packed lunches can be:
I enjoy taking the little extra time to lovingly prepare a meal for when I will appreciate the touch of love, and need the lift that good food can bring. And in the last resort when I am called in at no notice for relief work? I pick up 2 little tins of tuna, a can of cannelini beans, an apple and a fork. I check that the tins I chose have a ring pull lid, and I am all set. Wherever I find myself I will have a protein, a brown and fresh cruchy flavour to see my mid day meal nourishes me well. The key is planning. Having things available that will not be an extra expense (which buying my lunch would be, I cannot afford to get tricked into needing that!) makes it possible to eat well and keep within our limited budget. And doing...the dry beans in the cupboard and the frozen chicken in the deep freeze will not feed me well. I have to plan the timing to soak and cook those beans, to thaw and prepare and cook the chicken. And I have to keep an eye on how they are used to prevent any of those prepared foods going to waste too. It is a challenge and a reward all wrapped in one. What will you choose for your first packed lunch? Kath For more great program-friendly recipes, check out these great cookbooks in the store. **********************************************************************
** Your Last Diet - More Than What You Think ** We are starting the Weight Loss in Action Class. I love doing this class. People come into the community feeling as if losing weight will solve all their issues. They go through the process of the 7 steps as a foundation for losing weight. And now, something has happened. No one is frantic, no one is impatient, everyone is functional, clear and actually a little humorous. The tone is, *Ok, coach, tell us the game plan, and we will do it.* Then the joy starts because the game plan is so doable and so much fun. If you are not a YLD member, come and join us. Click here if you are ready to change your life or just have some plain ol' fun! **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. I was named *Radiant Concierge* at Ranch. It made me smile. I think it was in honor of my willingness to help people have a comfortable ranch experience. I even went off in search of a Jicama for Terri W. No one asked for tickets to the Isotopes Game. I would have been forced to personally escort them. Ranch was really fun. I always love doing in person sales with members of the community. We just had a great time. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
** Our Online Groups ** The Radiant Step 2 list is a source of helpful information and support with journaling. On this list we talk about how to get started with the journal, how to start listening to our body and why giving it a voice is so important. We also discuss how to use the journal for detective work in our program and, of course, how to make journaling fun! Right now the list is rockin' with people supporting each other and making big discoveries with their journal. So whether you are just starting out or are looking for a recharge in your journaling, come on over and join in the fun! **********************************************************************
**Reflecting on Ranch 2010 ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
I think everyone who came to ranch felt the power of this ranch. It was unexpected for me. It has taken me all week to try to sort out just what it was that happened. We had a regular schedule. It was similar to what we have always done. Friday night we met and introduced one another at each table. People shared how they how found the program. I walked around listening to the sharing, and it was astounding and humbling. I honestly think the angels work hard to spread the books and the words of healing around. We had some people who were coming back after years away, some people who were brand new and some folks who have been to 12 ranches. There were 17 mentors and 17 new people. it was a perfect bell curve. Friday night was very relaxed and loving. Here is a picture of Isabelle, Karen's service dog who won our hearts. She fell in love with Patti's purse, made it her pillow and Patti ended up giving it to her to take home. Some folks were up early to meditate together at dawn looking out over the mountains. Then at 7, we held our traditional RARA meeting which is a meeting of people doing Radiant Recovery and who attend AA. This is always a special time since RR so enhances AA and deepens sobriety for those who do both. Then we walked over to the Rio Grande Inn to the Aztec room for a shared breakfast. It was a traditional RR ranch breakfast - scrambled eggs, bacon, beans, oatmeal..simple and nice. The Aztec room felt like coming home. The fountain was on behind the podium, and it was a nice-sized group. I have been working for several months on a presentation of slides about the three phases of the program - the steps, the addiction amoeba and emotional healing. It was designed to provide a way to experience the big picture in a way that I have never talked about - really what happens after step 7. Or perhaps what the essence of step 7 is...showing that the steps are not all there is, but the steps create the healing that allows us to engage in life in a totally different way. People liked the material. I loved sharing in a new way. We took good breaks so the introverts could assimilate and catch their breath and the extroverts could chatter about what they were learning. The weather was lovely. NM blue skies, sunny, and soft at the same time. We broke for lunch and walked back over to the hotel to share. I think the walking, the being outside helped a lot. It provided a nice shift. After the last session in the afternoon, folks went off to find the chosen restaurants. This happened seamlessly, Everyone had people they connected with. And they went for buckwheat crepes and Brazilian meat and some shared a make-it -your-self meal in the hospitality room as the sun went down and turned the mountains mauve. The hospitality room was our *hub* where folks met, shared, regrouped and planned. Saturday night was spent back in the Aztec room. Patti brought her musical stuff, many instruments, and people played, and sang and enjoyed the NM evening. We laughed in reviewing our day...when I had spoken of the addiction amoeba, a very tattooed and pierced guy with wild red hair sticking straight up and dressed in leather and chains walked by the windows of the room. At another point, David went by with Stacey's toddler in the stroller. Images of life by the windows. Sunday morning brought another yummy breakfast and time to assimilate and make sense of the learning. I was blessed with the level of sharing, a sharing that showed the depth of how people understood the material. We were happy that it was recorded..it will be a joy to share it. And I will put the recording with the slides and make a DVD so you can enjoy the power of it even if you were not there. We learned a lot this year. I will limit the size next year. We learned about how to do the food better. And how much we value being in a place that *gets* what ranch is. So ranch was good, very good. Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. Selena provides the weekly Ambassadors column. ©2010 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/ |