April 19, 2010

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Today was one of those days to remember forever. It rained last night, so everything felt soft and shimmering this morning. My yard has a string of lilacs across the front. They loved the rain and are just starting to blossom so the yard has a lilac fragrance. The peacocks in the neighborhood are screaming loudly for the girls to notice their beauty. First they scream and then they open that six foot fan and shimmer it. It is pretty amazing in the sunlight. Of course we have neighbors who hate the peacocks in the spring. The dogs quiver as they strut by the front yard.

And yes, I have put up a new schedule...it is there if you want to see what is coming up. Sign up for the emotional healing class. This is information I have never presented before.

These classes will begin Wednesday, April 21, 2010. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page:

Radiant Step 1 (2 weeks) is our foundation class to get you started. Learn all four parts of step 1 in a structured way. Learn how to progress through them with enjoyment. Let us support getting your program off to a fabulous start.

Emotional Healing (2 weeks) is a new class designed to give you understanding of the special emotional world of the sugar-sensitive person. We will look at how childhood experiences combine with our special brains to create a unique way of coping. We will learn how disassociation protects and also keeps us from healing. This will be a very structured and safe class for people on step 6 or more. Please note that I will be doing second section of this class in early summer for people who are not yet on step 6.

These classes will begin Wednesday, April 28, 2010. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page:

Radiant Step 2 - Introduction (2 weeks) will teach you the basics of journaling. The class will give you step by step instructions in how to record your food and feelings in a way that gets you excited.

Getting Started With Limited Funds (2 weeks) is a special free class for those of you with limited funding who are trying to make do. Come hear some fun ideas to maintain your humor and find tasty and inexpensive solutions.

The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned.

Please wait to sign up for classes until a week or two before, and do not sign up for classes that are not yet scheduled.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum.

Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly.



** Quote From Kathleen **

You may be surprised to discover that food has a bigger emotional charge for you than you realized.


** Testimonial of the Week **

Hi Linda,

Well, I think it has finally sunk in that doing things my way wasn't working on many levels. I might take a certain step and "tweak" it the way I wanted it. That's what I mean by variations on a theme. Yes, I so understand thinking more should be done when issues like clothes and blood sugar and health concerns overwhelm you. And it's those things that really distracted me from working my program.

But in the last analysis (and I can only speak for myself), following the program as written, in order, is the fastest and straightest course to achieving what I want for my life. So I tried to break things into baby steps and just focus on that. And it's working for me, it really is.

Step one seems easy to me....but I had to really work on timing.

I started step 2 just journaling my breakfast, then moved to lunch, and when I felt compelled to, I added dinner, then physical and emotional feelings. I've been journaling with intent ever since.

Step 3 is a biggie and one I've never mastered. I'm working with the step 3 group and it's wonderful. I am having enough sugar and white things to keep me from going crazy but controlled enough not to send me into diabetic complications. The good news is that by working steps one through three, my sugar cravings are so much lessened and I'm naturally making good choices.

I'll give you an example of how I am giving it up to the process, rather then doing my own thing. Last night about 5 PM I thought about going to the gym to run in the pool. I had made a meatloaf earlier in the day and knew I could come home and eat something that was ready. I really sat down and thought about this. I remembered that my step three goal is to finish breakfast by 7:30 am, lunch by 1 pm and dinner by 6:30 pm. I had recently joined the fitness group and read one of the documents in the file which talked about how the food comes first. So I simply talked to myself about the food coming first. I stayed and ate dinner and was finished by 6:15. I left for the gym about an hour later and had a wonderful time in the pool. I think I did myself a great service by paying attention to my step 3 dinner.

I guess, in summary, I'm learning to trust the process because my own way doesn't work.

Take care,


** Radiant Ambassadors **

Did you know that Radiant Recovery has two groups on Facebook now?

The original group has 548 members and the newer Radiant Recovery International is already up to 313 fans. I don’t know about you, but even with some duplication of members, I find that incredibly exciting!

And Potatoes not Prozac is currently residing at number 3 in the Amazon UK depression books listings. I don‘t think the book has been out of the top 5 since it was published :)

How about we try to increase its ranking to number 1? We could do this by adding a book review on Amazon and perhaps tweeting about it too! It’s really straightforward and you can write as much or as little as you like in the review!

What do you think? Shall we do it? (grin)


Come join us if you are excited about spreading the news.


** How I Found Radiant Recovery **

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

I was ready: On New Year's Eve, 2005, I wrote as a goal: "Do Whatever it Takes to get over Sweets Addiction/Naturopath, Nutritionist, etc." A few weeks into 2006, I realized I was still eating loads of sugar, and I was disgusted with myself and how I felt. I knew that the way I ate sugar was simply not normal, even though my body weight is.

So, I went to the public library, to the health section, and found "The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery Program." After checking it out and reading it cover to cover, I went and got my own copy. And here I am!

Jane (Trail Runner)


** Radiant Kitchen **

I have thought about what foods to add to my collection of what I already keep in the car. I think I will put a box in the car with some of the following foods, but I will still keep my pretty small bag with nuts and crackers in it which I often take to restaurants. Who else has ideas of "emergency foods" to keep in the car? Do you think all of these foods will do okay with the heat in the trunk of the car?

  • protein powder and individual containers of almond milk
  • chicken and/or tuna in a pouch or pop top can
  • nuts
  • oatcakes
  • Wasa crackers oatmeal in a packet
  • brown rice in a packet
  • baby oatmeal for shake
  • beans in a can
  • green beans or peas in a can
  • can opener
  • water
  • V-8 juice

I have a picnic basket in the trunk of my car, with the standards of paper plates, utensils, napkins - the usual. It also has:
  • A blender bottle with pre-measured packets of protein powder with some powdered milk.
  • Bottled water.
  • A foil pack of each chicken and tuna.
  • Turkey Jerky
  • Single serve cups of peanut butter.
  • Almonds
  • A pack of roasted edamame.
  • Marys Gone Crackers
  • Oatcakes
  • Single serving-sized cups of precooked brown rice.
I think that's it! LOLOL I have been tossing in a thing or two as I think of it and it's really added up.

What I don't have, is any veggies. That is smart thinking! Would you share more about the individual cartons of almond milk please? Brand? I have had a difficult time finding them..maybe I can online?


For more great program-friendly recipes, check out these great cookbooks in the store.


** Your Last Diet - More Than What You Think **

I keep reading posts that say, *OMG, I HAVE to lose weight NOW!!!!!!* *I have to go off of sugar now!!!!!!!*

The very, very best option for you if you feel this way is to join YLD. I will be doing a weight loss readiness class soon. And while you are getting ready for that, we can guide you in what to do. You do not have to be on step 6 or 7 to join YLD. You can be on step one or zero and we will help you get ready.

If you are not a YLD member, come and join us. Click here if you are ready to change your life or just have some plain ol' fun!


** Radiant Recovery® Store **

David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son.

For People

For People

For Dogs

Kathleen was first introduced to our Joint Response a number of years ago at the national Golden Retriever Dog show. One of the vendors had Joint Response and was showing a video about it. You can go here and see the video. It knocked her socks off.


At that point in time, I had recently moved to Albuquerque. My 8-year-old rottie, PJ, had severe arthritis. We gave him Joint Response and in 3 weeks he was acting like a puppy. So we started carry the dog stuff in the store.

We kept getting great reports. I asked the company if they were going to carry a human product. They said yes. So now we carry that. And they recently added a cream. Click on the products above to get more information on each.

As most of you know, Kathleen likes to learn about the things we carry. She started doing a fair amount of research about cetyl. Here is a pretty balanced discussion.


Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better.


** Our Online Groups **

The Radiantdepression group is all about support for the person who is depressed and trying to work the 7-step program of recovery from sugar addiction. Many of us have struggled with severe depression for years without any hope of finding an end to it. But through doing the food we have found that hope returning and have found light where before there was only darkness.

Some of us are taking anti-depressants while doing the food, so we talk about how the two are compatible and we also share about getting through the tough spots together, with support from each other. If you are feeling depressed please come join us. There is hope.

Or come to the group page to find the one that will best support your program: http://www.radiantrecovery.com/list_serves.htm


**It Is The Sugar **
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

I am not sure why, but this week I have been reading a LOT of posts about SUGAR- SUGAR - SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all saying the same thing...

*It is the sugar that is killing me. I have to get rid of the sugar right now. I know you say not to do that, Kathleen, but you just don't understand! I know my body really well and the sugar is killing me. Kathleen, I can't possibly do the steps, I have to get rid of the sugar first. But Kathleen, you stopped it all at once. Why can't I?*

So I thought it would be a good time to write some about this. It is not the sugar. It is the addiction. What is killing you is the addiction. Stopping the sugar cold turkey simply puts your brain into shock. It's dramatic, it is addictive and doing it cold turkey simply feeds the addictive mind set. Did I know that when I did it? Of course not. But now I do. And now, I KNOW that doing the steps the way they are written is what heals the addiction.

And I also know that your discovery of this is a process. Your coming to trust that I and all the mentors here do actually totally get how you feel. We do understand, and we respectfully disagree that cold turkey is a good way to go.

So, do the steps, do the steps, do the steps.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together.
David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store.
Selena provides the weekly Ambassadors column.

©2010 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction.

You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/