Hi {!firstname_fix} Well, hi everyone. Please feel free to pass this week's newsletter on to your friends and family. Don't forget to let me know what you like and would like to see. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www.radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, use the link at the bottom of the page. Do not email me, do not get mad at me, just click on the linkand you will be forever removed. And be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen ********************************************************************* March 29, 2004 ** Quote From Kathleen ** ******************************************************************** ** Testimonial for the Week** On the subject of taking this program slowly: it is so hard to imagine why we need to go slow. But now that I look back over the past couple of years I understand that deep healing and changes take place. When we make the changes too quickly, our deepest being cannot process it and it becomes like just one more diet. And we know how well those work..... By working the program slowly, we are healing our bodies and emotions and retraining the way we plan, shop, cook, pack lunches, and eat. Including the choices we make in restaurants, travelling, and at other people's houses. There is no way we could do all that at once, and keep it going indefinately. Kathleen has designed the program so that we are no longer subject to failure. Everything we try is a learning experience and contributes to our long term healing. We work each step slowly, until it becomes so natural we wouln't dream of not doing it. We can break each step down into baby steps. When we falter, for whatever reason, we go back to the last step upon which we felt comfortable, and get steady again before moving forward. Thus we are Always engaged in the process, and never failing. I believe my soul understands that Kathleen has created the program in such a way that I can Always feel good about myself. This message is communicated back and forth with my cells and contributes to long term healing. For example, I have heard many people say that over time they develop a deeper relationship with their journals, and that each time they work step three, they get more and more out of it. The first time I worked step three I concentrated on protein and was not even conscious enough to admit how much I was still eating between meals. Now, it has become second nature to not eat between meals. Karen ******************************************************************** ** Your Last Diet: More Than What You Think**
******************************************************************** ** Radiant Recovery Seminars **
I am getting really excited about our annual four-day ranch held in Albuquerque May 19-22. Radiant Ranch is the highlight of the year. Most of the liaisons come and we all have a blast. Ranch only has a few slots left, so if you are thinking about coming, NOW is the time to sign up. I have posted a schedule of the seminar if you want to see what we will be doing.
******************************************************************** ** David's Corner **
Please send questions and suggestions for items you might like to see in our store. YOU are building our store. Tell me what you want and we will sort it out. Thanks David ******************************************************************** ** Featured Topic**
A YLD Chat by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. Today, I am going to do something a little different. We had a chat at YLD (Your Last Diet). last Wednesday that was kinda fun. I am sure I will be writing a whole article about what we shared. But I thought you would enjoy seeing how this community acts as a living incubator. These chats are YOUR time to participate and share and shape. Let me know your thoughts. Kathleen (Kathleen DesMaisons) tonight I would like to talk some about what YLD really is (Kathleen DesMaisons) does that sound ok? (Suzanne) yes (Abby) Good (Tulip) yes (Chloe) yes (Julieanne) yes (Patti) sure (Mariah) yes (Daisy) yes (Mishah) Yes (Eva) ok (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so your last diet (Kathleen DesMaisons) let's figure it out (Kathleen DesMaisons) where does the emphasis go (Kathleen DesMaisons) YOUR last diet (Vicki G) LAST (Kathleen DesMaisons) your LAST diet (Kathleen DesMaisons) or your last DIET (gretel) I like LAST (Josie) YOUR (Christine.) LAST (Tulip) YOUR (Suzanne) I like Last (Mishah) Your? (Daisy) I like last too (Sheila) it is YOUR for me (Terri W) depends--it hasn't remained a constant for me (Josie) well, MINE (Rose.) both (Barb) Last (Abby) Last (Kathleen DesMaisons) umm, how about YOUR LAST diet (Terri W) it's no longer a DIET--that's a constant (Kathleen DesMaisons) (smile) (Terri W) lol (Kathleen DesMaisons) never diet again (Mishah) Okay (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL (Rose.) sounds good to me (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok so most of you think you have to trudge through the seven steps to get to the *real* part, right? (Mishah) yes (Barb) kinda (Abby) not really (Suzanne) no (Christine.) (thinking) yes (Rose.) it's starting to feel real now! I'm on 3 (Terri W) I used to (grin) (Mishah) I hate to admit it (Josie) me too terri (Betsy) sorta (Kathleen DesMaisons) it is okay to admit it LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) like the *real* payoff is the weight (Tulip) breakfast was real pretty quickly (Mishah) whew (Mitzie) for me the real payoff is to get healthy (Lulu) at first yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) but let’s go back for just a bit (Betsy) weight loss and feeling in control (Suzanne) it was in the beginning (Barb) Would be good to see some go... (Kathleen DesMaisons) what if we were to reframe the whole process (Mitzie) losing weight is secondary (Barb) Especially when I tell others about it...question is "Does it work?" (Patti) how so Kathleen? (Kathleen DesMaisons) well, I think the steps are more profound that any of us knew (Kathleen DesMaisons) they are mind boggling (Betsy) agreed! (Mishah) true (Vicki G) yep (Kathleen DesMaisons) let me show you some stuff (Kathleen DesMaisons) just with step one (Kathleen DesMaisons) the *simple* one LOL (Patti) LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, see what you can add (Kathleen DesMaisons) you have to pay attention to TIME (Kathleen DesMaisons) most ss people don’t, right? (Patti) right (Mitzie) not me (Suzanne) right (Lulu) right (Betsy) totally (Vicki G) oh, timing was really hard for me (Rose.) (Kathleen DesMaisons) a HUGE shift (Mishah) right (Mitzie) still shifting..lol (Patti) yes and I didn't wanna, LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) then you have to pay attention to every day (Betsy) make it a habit (Suzanne) week ends were tough (Kathleen DesMaisons) I mean, do we ever do ANYTHING every day? (Kathleen DesMaisons) we are free spirits (Mishah) didn't used to (Rose.) well, some things! (Terri W) absolutely! (Tulip) . (Julieanne) We do now! Oh Lord, yes, I remember the free spirit thing. (Kathleen DesMaisons) think about what kind of commitment it takes (Kathleen DesMaisons) to do every day (Kathleen DesMaisons) on time (Kathleen DesMaisons) just that (Mozelle) but we do! (Kathleen DesMaisons) we haven't even gotten to protein or carbs or content (Buelah) agreed (Vicki G) that was really hard to learn (Mishah) big accomplishment (ted) (Betsy) when you put it that way it makes me very proud to of conquered Step 1 (Rose.) yup (Terri W) especially when we have 10 other people, pets, and plants that need our attention first thing (Tulip) me too Betsy (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so you are literally reworking huge ingrained patterns (Lulu) yes (Julieanne) yes (Vicki G) yep (Betsy) no wonder it took me 3 months! LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so then you have to figured out what has protein (Julieanne) and belief systems (Suzanne) right (Kathleen DesMaisons) and then admit how much you weigh (Kathleen DesMaisons) right? (Barb) the hard part... (Rose.) LOL (Betsy) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) so we are getting through denial (Mitzie) yikes! (Kathleen DesMaisons) in a sneaky way LOL (Chloe) horrors! (Betsy) big time (Josie) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) people say oh yah I need 42 grams (Lulu) ok (Kathleen DesMaisons) without batting an eyelash (Kathleen DesMaisons) the same people who would NEVER have been able to say I weigh 315 (Betsy) isn't it great (Kathleen DesMaisons) are you following me? (Barb) Hard when you're out and eating way more than others... (Lulu) yes (Mozelle) that is cool (Rose.) cool (Kathleen DesMaisons) how powerful this is (Barb) yes (Betsy) VERY (Rose.) way powerful (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, now you have to do problem solving (Terri W) I hadn't thought about that in a long time (Josie) just makes it factual instead of shameful (Kathleen DesMaisons) real, live honest to goodness problem solving (Kathleen DesMaisons) what kind of food (Mishah) planning to have protein in the house (Suzanne) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) how much protein in it (Kathleen DesMaisons) planning (Kathleen DesMaisons) shopping (Josie) variety! (Kathleen DesMaisons) no furry things (Betsy) something else we creatives don't love (Suzanne) lol (Rose.) LOL (Patti) oh all my food has fur in it, LOLOL (Mitzie) furry things? (Patti) kitty fur! (Kathleen DesMaisons) right, planning ahead (Christine.) No furry things? (Tulip) LOL Patti (Kathleen DesMaisons) you can't eat leftovers with fur (Terri W) science projects (Rose.) mold=fur (Christine.) lolol - gotcha (Kathleen DesMaisons) unless you have 15 persian cats (Tulip) yes yuck (Betsy) we like to fly by the seat of our pants LOL (Patti) LOL (Josie) ooh, our little mold friends! (Mitzie) spoiled..rotten (Kathleen DesMaisons) right, breakfast, real breakfast becomes important (Kathleen DesMaisons) (Barb) who would want to... (Kathleen DesMaisons) are you following how big this is? (Mishah) yes, (Betsy) I'm with you (Buelah) yes (Mitzie) it is hard (Michele L) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) we aren't even through step one yet (Sandy B.) . (Rose.) oh yeah (Julieanne) Step 1 was quite a big deal, actually . . . (Kathleen DesMaisons) (smile) (Terri W) Mitzie, it may be hard, but all this support sure helps make it easier!! (Mishah) what's left? (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so now you have to think of a complex carb thingie (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) and then..... (Eva) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) cooking (Kathleen DesMaisons) or making or mixing (Betsy) Ezekial with PB every morning (Mozelle) I didn't know how to cook (Mishah) within an hour! (Kathleen DesMaisons) even if you choose shake (Terri W) or finding ways around cooking! (Terri W) lol (Tulip) and then cleaning up (Kathleen DesMaisons) you have lots of decisions (Betsy) clean the blender, etc (Suzanne) right Terri! (Barb) Doesn't George contain adequate protein and complex carb? (ted) (Kathleen DesMaisons) right, lots more work than running out the door (Kathleen DesMaisons) george has everything (gretel) yes, Barb (Patti) for some Barb (Kathleen DesMaisons) but you have to decide what to put it in (Kathleen DesMaisons) and where to get that (Terri W) That's one reason we love it!! (Kathleen DesMaisons) and then you have to get it (Mitzie) but maybe not enough protein for your body weight (Kathleen DesMaisons) and have it in the refrigerator (Barb) that has changed a lot over time... (Kathleen DesMaisons) and whether to put a banana in it (Kathleen DesMaisons) or mocha (Christine.) In the beginning, making a shake within an hour was overwhelming. Now it's routine! (Kathleen DesMaisons) or strawberries (Kathleen DesMaisons) and how long to blend it (Josie) or mangos (Patti) oh I'm tired already and this is just step one? (smile) (Terri W) or garbanzo beans (gretel) or how much oil (Kathleen DesMaisons) and how crunchy the oats (Betsy) Oat milk or Soy? (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL (Barb) pineapple and cottage cheese and handful of oats (Kathleen DesMaisons) see what I mean (Mishah) yum, Barb (Kathleen DesMaisons) its HUGE (Josie) cinnamon (Kathleen DesMaisons) and remember you are or were in mush brain (Betsy) decisions decisions (Kathleen DesMaisons) so it is a lot to wrap you little brain around (Barb) cottage cheese makes it like liquid cheesecake...lol (Betsy) sure was (Kathleen DesMaisons) and then a BIGGIE (Sheila) yep (Kathleen DesMaisons) following directions (Kathleen DesMaisons) (smile) THAT was shocking!!! (Mishah) Oh (Tulip) LOL (Buelah) yep (Betsy) new directions (Lulu) shocking? (Mozelle) and trusting the directions (Vicki G) but, can't I do it my way???? (Kathleen DesMaisons) are you getting how big step one is? (Mishah) tooo much for my fragile little mind (Barb) not ok to hedge a little here and there... (Patti) LOL Vicki (Josie) "Oh, this applies to ME" awakening!!! (Chloe) lol Vicki (Kathleen DesMaisons) but I exercise (Kathleen DesMaisons) I do yoga first (Betsy) (Kathleen DesMaisons) I have to feed the kids (Vicki G) I always used to exercise first (Betsy) feed the dog (Kathleen DesMaisons) I run in the morning (Kathleen DesMaisons) I meditate (Terri W) I was 'doing' step one for a month before I realized it was supposed to be within an hour (Terri W) talk about awakening (Betsy) I'm not hungry for BF (Kathleen DesMaisons) I don’t have time to cook (Josie) I was up too late last night....etc (Vicki G) LOL Terri (Suzanne) me to Terri! (gretel) I'm full from last night (Kathleen DesMaisons) right, not enough sleep (Kathleen DesMaisons) not hungry (Vicki G) right - not hungry (Betsy) never enough sleep (Mozelle) sounds like you're heard it all! (Kathleen DesMaisons) nothing in the house (Christine.) I truly resisted changing my morning routine for a loooong time! (Kathleen DesMaisons) prefer my coffee on an empty stomach (Terri W) mine was exercising--couldn't eat and then exercise! (Buelah) forgot to go to the store (Josie) the mornings just kept coming! (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL no one admits to that but I KNOW (Christine.) that was my routine! Caffeine first! (Vicki G) right Josie! (Mishah) had to have sugar first (Kathleen DesMaisons) the morning just keep coming, right! (Betsy) I had to quit Starbucks! LOL (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so look at what happens (Kathleen DesMaisons) you master it (Kathleen DesMaisons) it is a routine (Kathleen DesMaisons) you have what you need in the house (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) you do it on time (Terri W) it's a comfort (Betsy) you start to feel better, like yourself more (Kathleen DesMaisons) it is a comfort! (Vicki G) can't imagine not doing it now (Kathleen DesMaisons) you like it (Kathleen DesMaisons) the rest of the day works better (Kathleen DesMaisons) you don’t fret about it (Barb) "it grows on you" (Mozelle) my husband likes it (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) you like instructions (Julieanne) It becomes an anchor for the day. (Betsy) you feel a sense of accomplishment by 7am (Kathleen DesMaisons) yes, exactly (Lulu) true (Kathleen DesMaisons) isn't this amazing (Kathleen DesMaisons) (smile) (Vicki G) it sure is (Patti) yep (Mishah) you make yourself important (Betsy) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) so here is what I want you to think about (Mozelle) looking back it really is (Suzanne) yes it is (Kathleen DesMaisons) ALL the steps are like this (Kathleen DesMaisons) there are thousands of itty bitty things encoded in them (Lulu) baby steps (Rose.) micro steps (Betsy) slow baby steps (Kathleen DesMaisons) and I don't write it all out because I love having you discover them (Rose.) nano steps (Kathleen DesMaisons) nano steps, LOL (Mishah) cellular change (Kathleen DesMaisons) right (Kathleen DesMaisons) literally (Kathleen DesMaisons) you are altering the flow on a cellular level (Lulu) yes, cellular change (Betsy) it stays with us more if we discover it (Kathleen DesMaisons) and your cells start smiling at the idea of breakfast (Mishah) that's how it feels (Kathleen DesMaisons) THEY smile (Vicki G) my cells couldn't believe they were getting fed every morning (Betsy) every morning (Kathleen DesMaisons) from the inside out (Vicki G) they were in shock (gretel) LOL, mine don't smile UNTIL I give them breakfast (Vicki G) loved it! (Vicki G) right Gretel (Kathleen DesMaisons) but after a while they laugh because they KNOW you are taking care of them (~MM~) me too Gretel (Lulu) I always had breakfast. Just not the right breakfast (Kathleen DesMaisons) they sing the breakfast chant (Vicki G) feed me.....feed me.... (Betsy) shake shake shake (Kathleen DesMaisons) breakfast, breakfast oh breakfast is coming (Vicki G) (smile) (Josie) I wake up alert and peaceful--I know I'll feed myself soon (gretel) LOL Vicki (Kathleen DesMaisons) we are nuts (Tulip) wake up wakeup wakeup (Kathleen DesMaisons) can you imagine my presenting this to grand rounds (Patti) "we like breakfast yes we do" (Kathleen DesMaisons) I am laughing (Suzanne) LOL! (Betsy) absolutely (Patti) "we like breakfast how about you" (Patti) 1,2 3 4 (Rose.) LOL (Julieanne) Like the eager pets under our feet, they seek their morning meal. (Julieanne) Like (Kathleen DesMaisons) Patti's cells put it to music (Patti) "we like breakfast even more"! (Patti) LOLOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so think about this (Lulu) right on (Betsy) great patti (Mozelle) Oh yeah! our breakfast is better than your breakfast! (Kathleen DesMaisons) if you wait till the cells are singing and then do the journal (Kathleen DesMaisons) guess what happens (Kathleen DesMaisons) they WANT to speak to you (Kathleen DesMaisons) they WANT you to listen (Daffodil.) you miss part of the song (Betsy) you are more inclined (Buelah) uh! (Patti) the journal joins the chorus! (smile) (Kathleen DesMaisons) do you see what I mean? (Josie) your entries are always happy! (Tulip) all the info comes in floods (Kathleen DesMaisons) well, not always (Mishah) the journal makes you reflect (Rose.) singing journal! (Kathleen DesMaisons) but it creeps in (Betsy) not necessarily for me (Kathleen DesMaisons) the journal creates REALTIONSHIP to the cells (Kathleen DesMaisons) even if they are sad (Kathleen DesMaisons) they feel you listening (Betsy) yes (Terri W) the info tells a story (Julieanne) It took me AGES to get this. (Vicki G) that relationship was a real eye opener (Suzanne) . (Mozelle) the journal is amazing (Mishah) come back! (Betsy) I am still learning to love my journal (Chloe) gotta run, see ya next time (Josie) see how powerful you are Mishah (Lulu) Me too (Mishah) LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) do you have any idea how happy they are to have you listening (Betsy) very! (Lulu) dot (Mozelle) a long time since we have (Kathleen DesMaisons) don’t you love it when someone really listens (Lulu) sort of (Josie) starting to :) (Suzanne) how happy are they? (Betsy) It's been so long since i listened (Kathleen DesMaisons) and wants to get to know you (Lulu) yes (Tulip) they feel loved (Kathleen DesMaisons) think about that (Kathleen DesMaisons) how you feel when someone says, hey, I like listening to you (Lulu) good point (Betsy) cared for (Kathleen DesMaisons) your cells love it (Kathleen DesMaisons) especially if they want to talk about icky things (Buelah) yup (Rose.) awesome point (Kathleen DesMaisons) like *hey, if you eat that we feel bad* (Mishah) yes...like too sweet granola at breakfast (Betsy) it clears them out so there's more room (Kathleen DesMaisons) they LOVE talking with you (Vicki G) LOL Mishah (Kathleen DesMaisons) they LOVE it (Lulu) yes, drink more water (Kathleen DesMaisons) because mostly you have ignored or despised them (Kathleen DesMaisons) you have called them FAT!!!! and turned away (Kathleen DesMaisons) right? (Betsy) white pasta make me sleepy! (Josie) or shoved them away (Vicki G) so true (Lulu) right (Patti) yuppers (Betsy) disconnected for so long (Daisy) how true (Buelah) or ugly! (Julieanne) yep (Betsy) it's like learning to love yourself again (Deliliah) like, maybe if I ignore them they'll go away (Suzanne) . (Mishah) thinking we were omnipotent (Mishah) (Kathleen DesMaisons) but they cant go away (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) you NEED them (Rose.) or learning to love yourself for the first time (Terri W) or if I ignore them, they aren't real (Kathleen DesMaisons) they are YOU (grin) (Lulu) true (Tulip) yes Peggy (Kathleen DesMaisons) like the velveteen rabbit, LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) well, you don’t have to love yourself right off (Kathleen DesMaisons) that is too big a step (Kathleen DesMaisons) just listening helps (Kathleen DesMaisons) because, (smile) (Kathleen DesMaisons) drum roll........ (Patti) right, I didn't love me for a long time (Terri W) yeah, I didn't love myself for a long, long time (Betsy) but you start to learn the love (Patti) rat a tat tat (Kathleen DesMaisons) if you get to know them, you will be enchanted (Kathleen DesMaisons) not the *you* (Kathleen DesMaisons) just the little whispering cells (Kathleen DesMaisons) your muscles that say, hey I like breakfast (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) you don’t have to be cosmic (Mitzie) I like me but I hate the person I see in the mirror (Lulu) ok (Kathleen DesMaisons) and don’t look in the mirror, LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) look inside, silly (Mitzie) ah... (Kathleen DesMaisons) and let THEM guide you (Lulu) that's right (Kathleen DesMaisons) here is the thing (Mishah) my cells never liked diet coke (Betsy) You have to be patient to let them guide you (Kathleen DesMaisons) listen carefully (Kathleen DesMaisons) they serve you (Kathleen DesMaisons) even though you ignore or hate them (Josie) and this shift starts even on Step 1 (Kathleen DesMaisons) even if you mistreat or starve or flood with crap (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) they just come back to be with you (Kathleen DesMaisons) they WANT to serve you (Betsy) that's profound (Tulip) never thought of it that way (Kathleen DesMaisons) they love you even if you don’t know them (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL (Josie) my wonderful fingertip cells that are typing right now....etc., etc., etc, (Lulu) sound right (Mitzie) or they could turn on you and become cancer (Kathleen DesMaisons) they are persistent little buggers (Buelah) . (Rose.) these images are making me cry (Kathleen DesMaisons) sturdy and tenacious (Lulu) scary (Kathleen DesMaisons) naw, they don’t turn on you, LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) cancer is a mistake (Kathleen DesMaisons) not your core cells (Josie) Mitzie, cancer isn't your cells turning on you (Kathleen DesMaisons) your core cells LOVE you (Lulu) ok (Betsy) unconditional love (Deliliah) it's like listening enough to hear the birds in the morning (Buelah) this is amazing (Kathleen DesMaisons) they will not betray you even if you turn (Deliliah) and then listening enough to tell each bird from one another (Kathleen DesMaisons) they have unconditional love, yah, what is why they show up (Kathleen DesMaisons) even if you don’t (Kathleen DesMaisons) so....the little simple funny journal (Lulu) That's profound (Kathleen DesMaisons) is about RELATIONSHIP (Betsy) thank goodness they show up, because I haven't for so long (Deliliah) and then being able to tell the different songs, and notice what they mean (Kathleen DesMaisons) well, here is the scoop (Buelah) I don't do well with relationships (Kathleen DesMaisons) if you give them half a chance they will LEAP to your service (Mitzie) me either Buelah (Lulu) I don't either (Mishah) each cell contains the map for the entire body (Kathleen DesMaisons) you don’t have to do well with relationships LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) they are VERY skilled (Kathleen DesMaisons) they work together as a team all the time (Kathleen DesMaisons) this is really important (Lulu) that sounds right (Kathleen DesMaisons) you do not have to be fixed (Kathleen DesMaisons) to be in relationship with them (Kathleen DesMaisons) they are desperate to talk (Kathleen DesMaisons) they don’t want to wait for you to be fixed (Betsy) I know what you mean, I'm not even half there but I sense them (Kathleen DesMaisons) they would like to have tea with you NOW (Kathleen DesMaisons) you don’t have to be *there* LOL (Buelah) or dinner (Kathleen DesMaisons) here is the fun part (Kathleen DesMaisons) you just follow instructions (Lulu) ok (Kathleen DesMaisons) what I encoded in the instructions will take care of this (Kathleen DesMaisons)(smile) (Kathleen DesMaisons) write down what and when you eat (Mishah) that's a relief (Kathleen DesMaisons) and how you feel (Kathleen DesMaisons) that is all you have to do (Kathleen DesMaisons) and what you are grateful for, LOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) and if you do that (Mitzie) this is all very ambiguous to me right now, but I will obey (Kathleen DesMaisons) something happens (Kathleen DesMaisons) after you have mastered breakfast (Kathleen DesMaisons) only after breakfast, LOLOLOL (Kathleen DesMaisons) won’t work (Kathleen DesMaisons) breakfast turns on the lights (Kathleen DesMaisons)(grin) (Kathleen DesMaisons) can’t see relationship in the dark (Betsy) my lights are on (Barb) doing the food keeps them on... (Kathleen DesMaisons) do you have a sense of what I am saying? (Buelah) yes (Betsy) I do (Mishah) Oh yeah (Patti) yes (Julieanne) yes (Buelah) yes (Suzanne) yes (Daffodil.) yes (Josie) Yes, beautifully told (Barb) think so (Daisy) yes (Rose.) completely (Sheila) yes (Tulip) yes (Lulu) yes (Abby) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) you guys are so kewl (Kathleen DesMaisons) beyond my imagination (Deliliah) yep (Mishah) garsh (Betsy) back at ya (Kathleen DesMaisons) you are just so awesome (Kathleen DesMaisons) see, and you are regular people (Kathleen DesMaisons) fat, tired (Kathleen DesMaisons) committed, scared (Mishah) getting gray (Kathleen DesMaisons) does not matter (Betsy) sick of feeling sick (Priscilla.) I am so aware of how my body is feeling now, whether I'm in the grocery store, the dentist's office, a social event. It amazes me. (Kathleen DesMaisons) but here you are (Barb) lol Mishah (Kathleen DesMaisons) being bathed in understanding (Kathleen DesMaisons) showing up (Kathleen DesMaisons) you just show up (Betsy) showing up (Kathleen DesMaisons) and something happens (Kathleen DesMaisons) it is like breakfast (Betsy) the light goes on (Kathleen DesMaisons) you just laugh at yourself (Terri W) yeah, after showing up in my journal for a while it all of the sudden clicked and WAS the tool it was supposed to be (Lulu) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) do it even if you are unskilled (Kathleen DesMaisons) or tired or cranky (Kathleen DesMaisons) right? (Betsy) yep (Lulu) right (Terri W) right (Suzanne) I love it now. (Christine.) yep (Mishah) right (Kathleen DesMaisons) would you have EVER imagined? (Vicki G) yep (Rose.) tired is tricky (Suzanne) no! (Josie) show up for myself, no matter what (Betsy) no way (Buelah) no (Patti) never (Daisy) yes, I want to listen to my whispering cells (Patriciavt) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) LOL, let's comment on tired (Kathleen DesMaisons) tired (Kathleen DesMaisons) anyone besides me tired tonight? (Patti) yes (Mishah) I pay attention to it now (Suzanne) yes (Vicki G) I am (Abby) yes (Betsy) yes (Josie) me (Buelah) meme (Vicki G) (smile) (Daffodil.) yes (Michele) yes (Mozelle) yes (Lulu) some (Mishah) Yes (Julieanne) yes (Deliliah) i am (Mitzie) m e (Rose.) LOL (Daisy) yes (Christine.) very (Tulip) just relaxed (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, and listen to what we are feeling (Karen) yes (Kathleen DesMaisons) the cells are smiling (Kathleen DesMaisons) even though we cannot see straight, LOL (Daisy) they really are (Mitzie) up every two hours last night (Betsy) they are happy I shoed up here tonight (Mishah) yes they are Betsy (Kathleen DesMaisons) doing your journal is just like this (Kathleen DesMaisons) you just show up (Betsy) I hear what you're saying (Lulu) I feel compelled to show up' (Mishah) this is awesome (Buelah) suit up and show up (Kathleen DesMaisons) journaling is the same way (Kathleen DesMaisons) even if you are tired (Deliliah) I almost get this (Kathleen DesMaisons) if you don’t like what you need to write (Kathleen DesMaisons) you just do it (Suzanne) you can scribble (Angel) . (Kathleen DesMaisons) something most ss people hate, LOL (Lulu) That is the key, Do it (Betsy) Yes we only want to write what's "good" (Terri W) or we don’t want to write if we don't *feel* like it (Angel) absolutely (Deliliah) I never know what to write when I feel good (Josie) gave myself away with the "happy entries" bit--Lol (Mishah) or we can't find the journal (Mitzie) if I journal something bad, I always beat myself up (Betsy) But it's all good if we write it down, we learn and that's good (Julieanne) Yes, Terri (Daisy) . (Lulu) right (Kathleen DesMaisons) there is no good or bad in the journal (Kathleen DesMaisons) there is RELATIONSHIP (Mishah) okay (Betsy) that's hard for SS to get- no black or white (Vicki G) the lack of judgment was hard to do at first (Lulu) yes (Betsy) Yes Vicki (Michele) . (Rose.) for sure (Mishah) must go thank you Kathleen, bye all (Vicki G) I had to look at my journal as a lab book for a long time (Vicki G) Just collecting data (Terri W) me too Vicki (Lulu) good point Vicki G (Terri W) research project (Kathleen DesMaisons) it gets easier (Vicki G) yes it does (Mitzie) I can do a lab book (Betsy) just like BF did (Vicki G) now it is a relationship (Julieanne) Chart, as in nurse's chart. (Priscilla.) Gee, that's good to remember. My journal is full of "good" and "bad". (Sheila) I did that Julieanne (Priscilla.) tons of smiley faces and frowney faces. (Julieanne) I hope to develop the relationship past this year. (Priscilla.) Maybe that's why I resist it often. (Lulu) me (Julieanne) part (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, guys, I am going to close down chat a little early tonight (Kathleen DesMaisons) I hope you will understand (Deliliah) g'night (Suzanne) yes! (Daffodil.) ok (Betsy) yes of course (Mariah) of course, this was amazing (Mitzie) k (Daisy) I believe I have a new perspective on my little cells (smile) Thank you good night (Vicki G) thanks Kathleen - this was really great (Mozelle) ok (Suzanne) good night and thank you. (Abby) Thank you Kathleen and all-- (Kathleen DesMaisons) thank you all for coming (Josie) good night all, very good chat (Betsy) Thank you so much (Julieanne) Well thank you for a good chat, Kathleen. (Deliliah) I should go write in my journal anyway. (Rose.) thanks for all the great images of help (Tulip) thanks for everything, Kathleen (Patti) thanks Kathleen, bye all (Daffodil.) Good night (Priscilla.) Sure. Thanks, Kathleen. Have a good night, all! (Terri W) Thank you Kathleen! (Angel) good night (Mitzie) thanks for the meeting (Christine.) thank you ...good night Copyright © Kathleen DesMaisons, 2004. All Rights Reserved. |