Re: Protein
In Response To: Protein ()


Glad to see you here with us! :h11)

You might want to work your way up -- 42 grams of protein sounds pretty high.

The food's label will tell you how much protein per serving and how big a serviing is. Just as a guideline, I figure 6 grams of protein for an egg, 7 grams for an ounce of meat and 8 grams for an ounce of fish or cheese. If you're from the UK and don't do ounces, then holler help and someone else will give you the numbers :s4(

In the beginning, it's best to just focus on breakfast -- find 25 or 30 or so grams of protein and add what we call a brown -- a serving of a whole grain something or some potatoes with skins or beans or brown rice maybe.

It's a wonderful program to take slow and easy. Healing doesn't happen fast, so take your time working through the steps and enjoy the process (and the community!)

Joy S

: Hi Guys
: I'm just getting started and am
: already feeling lost :(
: How on earth do I know how much
: protein is in foods? Can I as a
: rule of thumb assume that 25% of
: the weight is protein? So if I
: need to eat 42 grams at each meal
: do i just eat 168 grams of
: whatever my protein source is?

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