Re: Olive oil quality
In Response To: Olive oil quality ()

: I am very fond of butter, and cook
: with it a little too much.
: I am trying to switch over to olive
: oil (or another oil )and wonder
: just how much difference there is
: in the quality of the products..
: The grocery store shelves have a
: baffling array of different ones
: from tiny very expensive ones to
: large vats. Is there much
: difference in the tastes?

Yes :h11)

It depends on what you are using it for...
And the taste differs depending on which country they come from :h6)
I use one of the less expensive ones for cooking.
And then depending on what I am using something for, I will use a higher grade.
And the type depends on the use..So if you are mixing it with a strong vinegar like balsamic, you would use a
less expensive one and one with a less strong flavor. If you are putting it on a light salad with a light vinegar, you would want on that fits with that.

the fun is the discovery to be honest. :h5) You might try getting an oil from Italy and one from greece. Just get small bottles and see if you can tell the difference in taste.
