Thanks Kathleen,
Both of the times were right after I ate a meal. So instead of feeling happy and satisfied after a program friendly meal I felt a hollow feeling. I am pretty sure I ate enough. I will get the journal back out. My evening schedule is eat dinner at 5:30 Water fitness classes from 7-8, and snack at 8:45. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. There was one really really hard water fitness class that was in a current pool. I had the most horrible BS crash ever when I got home. Restore the rescue ! But if I ever do that class again a protein shake will be waiting on the side of the pool and I will drink it as soon as I am done even before I get dried off. But I really don't think I will do that class again.
But what I have noticed is that on the days I do the water fitness or any exercise at night I need a snack when I get home which is usually 8:45 PM. If not the next morning my blood sugar is VERY low and I feel really light headed and sick.
I love being in the know.
: You probably are hungry
: Try having a snack.
: water fitness classes = burning more
: = need more food.
: kathleen