Re: Newbie
In Response To: Newbie ()

: Hi All

: I am new to this and just wondering
: where to start. I know its with
: the breakfast and I am thinking of
: having my usual cereal followed by
: chicken pieces. Does this sound
: ok? I was also wondering for those
: who have been doing this longer
: then me if they could tell a
: difference? Does it work? I know I
: am addicted to sugar. I am a slave
: to sugar especially coca cola
: drinks etc. Any support and advice
: would be really welcome. Thanks
: :-) :h5)

Hi Newbie: :h24)

I like your ideas for breakfast - a solid protein like meat is not what I usually eat for breakfast, but I find for other meals meat holds me the best for a protein. What kind of cereal do you usually eat? :h5)

Does "doing the food" make a difference? Absolutely! :h7) Before doing the food I was very emotional and dramatic. :s4( If there was trouble at work, you could be sure I was involved. :s7( My friends and co-workers were always drying my tears, and consoling me for problems that were really a function of my biochemistry being awry. Also, I was out of control with sugar. People would comment on how many cookies I ate or where did all the candy go? :s6( and they knew it was me. I felt so guilty. :s3(

Although my workplace is really stressful right now and half of my co-workers have quit, I am managing just fine. :h10) People look to me for leadership and say they are happy when I am in charge because I follow up on things and make sure things get done. What a change! I don't have problems with sugars because I avoid them with the exception of fruit. :h11) Learning how to feed my body as she needs to be fed means I am not frantic and in the midst of a blood sugar crash when I get home from work, so I don't binge. :h22)

Tell me more about your breakfast and how it's going. Mom was right, it really is the most important meal of the day. :h6)
