Re: help and first steps again.

Ah, my breakfast is not working too well. It's setting me up to over-eat or emotionally eat a lot more than I like in the evening, of course usually sweet things...then I feel bloat, discomfort, and wake up feeling awful :s10(
I was having porridge, like oatmeal or cream of rice, with dried fruits and fresh fruits. This is kind of my 'safety' thing but I want to have something that is maybe more savoury tasting. What are your thoughts on soup? Like vegetable soup with the lentils like bean or tofu for protein?


I have never found a place where

: Agreed! I think we all perhaps
: recognise that same feeling :h7)


: So first thing to do? Start with

: :h2) :h2) :h2) Sheelia :h12) :h12)
: :h12)

: what did you have for breakfast
: today?