Moving to Step 2

I've been doing step 1 for about three weeks now, and I am moving to step 2. I had been having better energy throughout my workdays since adding the protein to my breakfast. Two nights ago my wife had a meeting. It struck me that she could stop and pick up an ice cream treat on the way home. The next day at work, my energy level was probably 30-40% lower.

Was it because of this ice cream? It probably had something to do with it. But the point is, I want to know! I have never been more ready to start exploring the cause-effect relationship of what I eat and how I feel. I'll be honest. When I first read the book, I rolled my eyes at the thought of trying to do a food journal. I was dead-set against it. But now, I WANT to do it. I want to learn the cause-effect relationships of what I eat and how I feel. Because that will motivate me to change further, and it will give me knowledge and control. Control is a good thing!


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