Re: George's shake
In Response To: George's shake ()

What did you have for a brown?

Back when I started the program, years ago, people were either using the George's Original, which has some oats in it (Restore hadn't come out yet) or making their own shakes with just a little bit of oatmeal, and counting that as the brown. I usually ate eggs and sausage and a bowl of oatmeal - and when I tried the shake, I had a reaction pretty much like yours. It took me a while to figure out that this just wasn't at all enough brown for me - around the same time that Kathleen and the community realized that it's not the ideal amount for most people (though obviously others had done better with it than I had!) A shake itself works fine, for me - but I eat my oatmeal with it.

Could that be it? You don't mention brown at all, so I don't know if you ate your usual one, or just the shake, or what.

: Hello all

: I am moving on in the program and
: thought I would try George's
: shake. I had one for the first
: time this morning (with oat milk
: and strawberries) but just had a
: real emotional crash at about
: 10.30am. I was at work and felt I
: couldn't make a decision on
: something basic, I was really
: angry and tearful and stormed out
: of a meeting (which is
: embarrassing). I have been going
: though some personal things
: recently but it's not like me to
: let it affect my work. I had hoped
: that using George's shake would
: make me feel more stable and am a
: bit wary of having it again
: tomorrow. I can see I need to find
: an answer to my sugar dependency
: and had hoped that the shake would
: help me reach my breakfast quota
: of protein.
: Has anyone else found the same thing?
: I find when I take time to have
: eggs for breakfast I feel great
: for the day so I do think that
: protein is important for me.
: Thanks
: Anna