Re: tremor
In Response To: Re: tremor ()

: I don't have the answer to this
: question, but I am curious. You
: said you had to eat more, smaller
: meals because of the tremor, and I
: was curious why. I don't really
: know much about tremor, although
: I've known a few people who had
: it.
: Allison
Hi Allison. I am not positive why my neurologist told me to eat every 3 hours but she also told me to get some exercise every day and not to drink caffeine(which I have been unable to do but I hope to try again when I am on step 7 unless I can do so before then.) She has an essential tremor and these things help her. It is hereditary. Even my legs shake sometimes when I am in certain positions in my exercise class. It is not a question of anxiety but it does get worse during times of stress.

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