
Hello. I need help. I read your book, "The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery" several years ago and found myself on every page. I have attempted to start the program a few times and make it through steps one and two and then return to old ways. My daughter was placed in treatment a few weeks ago for drug and alcohol addiction. She is making great strides using the 12 steps. I feel like I should be able to do the same with sugar. I am addicted to regular pop and I am so ashamed of myself. I want to lose weight and live a healthier happier life but I don't know how. I am able to follow step one without much problem, and I have ordered the journal, but, I can't give up pop. For breakfast I have greek yogurt, fruit and whole wheat toast with peanut butter, or I have cottage cheese and fruit. I have tried shakes, but, I don't like them. What should I do about pop? Every day I pray I will make a fresh start, but, then, I go back to my old habits and feel even worse. Can this work for me?