George's shake

Hello all

I am moving on in the program and thought I would try George's shake. I had one for the first time this morning (with oat milk and strawberries) but just had a real emotional crash at about 10.30am. I was at work and felt I couldn't make a decision on something basic, I was really angry and tearful and stormed out of a meeting (which is embarrassing). I have been going though some personal things recently but it's not like me to let it affect my work. I had hoped that using George's shake would make me feel more stable and am a bit wary of having it again tomorrow. I can see I need to find an answer to my sugar dependency and had hoped that the shake would help me reach my breakfast quota of protein.
Has anyone else found the same thing? I find when I take time to have eggs for breakfast I feel great for the day so I do think that protein is important for me.