Re: Trying this for the 2nd time

Hi Sheelia

I wouldn't try giving up your coffee/tea, but like someone else suggested I would try and get a purer version so that you can control what is going in and how much.

I am afraid I can't help you with the fast eating, I am not and never have been a fast eater, I have always been the last to finish eating, although I suspect with sugar foods I may have been faster. However, I totally get your fear of eating in front of other people, I had the same problem, other than people I lived with, no one else EVER got to see me eat. I would even be ashamed/refuse to go buy certain foods in front of other people. For example, I used to go on Holiday with my family to a place that had a beach where you could take your car with you onto the beach (unusual in the UK) and so Ice Cream vans would be driving up and down the beach all day, and my Dad would often ask me if I wanted an Ice Cream and I said "Yes Please" but I would never go and actually get it, and so missed out for a while, until my Dad worked out I had some sort of fear/shame about doing that, and used to go get it for me. It all makes sense to me now of course, all the things I had fear/shame about eating in front of other people were the foods I had problems with, all sugary foods. I couldn't go into fast food places with my kids either, and order food for them even if I wasn't having any, the only way my kids would get to eat it was if there was another adult with me to order it for them.

It kind of clicked after I went off sugars that it was kind of like a sign to tell me something was wrong with my food, at the time I could never see it, but after, when I realised I never had problems ordering non food/drink items such as clothes, it all added up.

As you like your yoghurts, perhaps you could have enough Greek yoghurt to get the right amount of protein, and then say have half a wholewheat bread roll or something, just to start getting some food down you in a morning. Believe it or not, the eating breakfast works for much longer than just the morning, it even makes us feel better at night time. I also agree with whoever suggested that your body is scared that you won't feed her, and that is why you "bolt" your food down when you get the chance to have some.

You really need to eat breakfast and forget about the rest of it for now. Setting ourselves impossible goals and then failing is not good for us. All you have to set yourself is enough protein and a little bit of brown, (or maybe just the right amount of protein in the yoghurt even without the brown part of it, a lot of people need to baby step the steps, and protein is the most important part for now) until you have the appetite to eat enough brown also. The rest of the stuff will come in time, BELIEVE US!!! :)