: I started on the first step a few
: days ago. But I am having a real
: hard time getting that breakfast
: and so much protein. If I don't
: have an appetite should I force
: myself? Is it important to count
: exactly how much protein? Is is
: better for me to spread throughout
: the morning?
Hi Hani
I have found it works best for me if I eat all my breakfast within the hour. That is one of the parts of breakfast. Having enough protein for your weight, having a complex carb and doing it all every day are the four parts of breakfast. However, I did not do all four parts from day one
When I started I had been used to eating very little breakfast - only OJ some days or maybe a yogurt if I was hungry which usually was not the case.
So, I worked on eating something every day for a bit and then I worked on eating it within the hour - this was very hard for me! and I was busy trying to be soooo perfect.
Getting the protein in was a trick too until I bought some Restore protein powder from the RR store, learned about almond milk (I'm lactose intolerant ), stuck a banana in, whizzed it all in a blender and made, tada, shake that I have loved ever since.
My complex carb with breakfast evolved from toast to dry cereal with milk to instant flavored oatmeal, to Bob's Redmill hot cereals and finally to plain old oatmeal with flavorings from the RR store.
I absolutely love my breakfast now and would never do without it.
You will arrive at this point too, but it is a journey and much easier to do if you work on on part of the step at a time or even part of a part
I look forward to hearing about your breakfast adventures! Also, are you on the step one list? It is a really fun list and you will gets lots of help and great ideas for breakfast.
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