Re: Step 2?
In Response To: Re: Step 2? ()

Hi Dori :h6)
Thank you! :h4)
I certainly will keep learning from step one, because I know there still is tons about breakfast that could be learned :h1) Like the question I just asked Mosaic about lentils... lol.
And I'm currently in a rather tight spot when it comes to my budget, but somehow we always manage to make a living, so I'm not at all discouraged :h6)
I grew up in a poor-ish family so I feel privileged to have a great deal of information on how to thrive on very little :h1) Lentils and canned tuna are good ones! And we buy a-day-old bread from the bakery where I get a huge (clean) garbage-bag (like the ones you have in those large garbage cans outside) of bread for only 8 dollars! Bread here in Norway costs from 2-6 dollars depending on the quality... (I just had to tell you, because it makes me feel SO happy and a tad bit clever) lol :h4) I hope you didn't mind!
Oh, and I know what you mean with ""to not do it" makes me uncomfortable"..
thats exactly how I feel about breakfast
(except with breakfast it's the thought of not doing it that makes me uncomfortable!)
Your reply was heart warming and made me smile :h11)
Thank you so much!

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