Hi Marcy you sound just like me when I started. Wanting to find solutions before the problem or situation! Guess what it all works out. If dinner is going to be late for me I have a snack, cheese stick or egg and some whole grain crackers. Simple. As far as leeway....my blood sugar crashes and so I don't want to play around. I eat within half hour of waking (i do best with that time) no matter what. 5 days a week that is always the same. But sometimes I sleep in on weekends so maybe breakfast is later but still within the half hour of waking. simple really. but us ss can make it difficult!! Enjoy the step your on, and get steady before moving onto step 3.
Have a great day. Chloe
I haven't exactly started step 3
: officially - I want to re-read the
: information on it. And ask a
: question. Is part of that step
: having meals at the same time each
: day? And, if so, how much leeway
: is there? What if I KNOW dinner is
: to be at 7:30 PM instead of my
: usual 6PM, for example.
: Also, the time of getting up in the
: morning depends on what is
: scheduled for that day - could be
: anywhere from 5 to 7 AM,
: occasionally later. What do people
: do about that kind of a situation?
: Marcy