Breakfast in August

:h9) a book I've been looking forward to reading came in today
:h9) co worker helping me understand a task I find confusing

Hi all,
Today I was reminded that high stress = more food even when it's not bad stress. By lunch time my stomach was growling. I'm planning for eating more tomorrow. Today's shake was same as yesterday and same as yesterday wasn't prepped the night before. This time all the blender cups were in the dishwasher and I chose going to bed over waiting for it to finish.

August 9: Shake
*enough protein: protein powder, brazil nuts, greek yogurt
*brown: 1/3 c oats
*w/i hour: up 7:00 shake 7:30
*Greens: 1/2 cup shinach, 1/2 cup bokchoy
*everyday: yep

Clean cups and time, so going to go make shake now.
janice in maryland