hi Marcia
I can relate! For ages I only has two words written in my journal.. Anxious and Uneasy... and I didnt see there was much chance of me writing anything else either! weight gain was alarming me too.
but posting every day really helped. I think I just clung on to those who had gone before... and I really wanted to get out of writing Anxious! I didnt think it would work for me though, even so...
Well despite my doubts something miraculous happened at the end of step 3. . if I am honest it took me a swift 1-6 and then back to 1 But at the end of step 3 'Happy' started to appear in my journal, and 'Steady'
Personally, for me, I reckon it was the blood sugar steadying of 1 and 3 that helped a lot, the comforting structure of 3 for me ... for other people it will be different things..... and ultimately it has been something built in to every single step.
my weight steadied as well at the end of 3. Strangely enough I do not regret that gain as I can look back and use that experience as part of my 'Your Last Diet' which I do online here
: far, the only positive change I
: can see is that I don't get hungry
: between breakfast and lunch.
Great observing and recording.. as someone who used to be hungry ans unsettled all the time, thats a change I do love
: Even as I'm writing this post I'm
: beginning to see where it's coming
: from. Help!!
thats often what I find too ..did you find it helped? hope you stay in touch and write more to us