Hi again, Kim,
I can see your perspective on the antidepressants; I have also watched loved ones try different kinds and not feel a significant change. My heart yearns for their wholeness... and I would love to see each of them, seize on this food plan as their focus for faith in slow, incremental healing! I can't force them, though.
What it comes down to, and what I tell everyone I meet, is that doing the food has made the largest single difference in my life, when it comes to changing my mood. Not only changing my mood, but healing at a level that I used to despair of ever reaching. I finally feel as if I have 'grown up', which is a very good state to be in.
I would not have known there was so much wrapped up, in "balanced biochemistry"...
Which is why the antidepressants are not the catch-all, single answer. I think of it in a way Kathleen described - they are like propping up the serotonin leg of the three-legged stool, and still having the BE (beta-endorphin) and blood sugar legs of the stool out of balance.
Which brings me back to my choice to take them - my serotonin leg could use some propping up, and I will do my best to do the food, to get the BE and blood sugar legs to cooperate also!
I feel as though I am rambling again. I hear you, that you are trying to keep an open mind. There is no rush and no pressure, least of all from me!
The important part is always the food of course.
This morning I tried out our new blender!
My husband wanted to fix my old one that wore out. He figured out it needed an o-ring, that wasn't on the market to buy as a separate item. So he proposed buying a blender to get the o-ring, then taking the new blender apart and putting the o-ring in my old blender.
I prevailed, with my suggestion that we *use* the new blender instead!!
I had a lovely shake.
-Lea (snoozey)
: Thank you all for the warm welcome,