Re: Missing the starvation high
In Response To: Missing the starvation high ()

Hi Liz,

You have two issues here. The starvation high is not good, because there's a big
payback later. So you don't want that.

But you don't want to feel sick walking up hills either. And a disgruntled doggie is
certainly to be avoided! What are you having for breakfast?

Have you tried a shake? You could have some before you walk and the rest after. Also,
lots of people find they get used to having more in their stomachs over time. I'm not one
who can exercise on a full stomach. But the shake digests well.


: And not getting the exercise I was.
: This doesn't feel good. Because
: I'm busy digesting the breakfasts
: I am sluggish during the morning
: and can't seem to be able to walk
: up the welsh hills (which is my
: only form of exercise). The dog is
: getting quite disgruntled.

: Mind you, I've only been at it 6
: days.