I did some research to find a list of protein foods and put it in the front of my journal. Based on my current weight I need to get 20-21 grams protein for each meal. Most mornings I have two scrambled eggs with spinach, goat cheese and salsa and a piece of toast. Saturday I made a frittata with potatoes, parmesan fresh tomatoes, and spinach. I ate that the last few mornings. One morning I was very rushed and almost left with a cereal bar, but went back and sliced a peach in greek yogurt with almonds. I'm not sure I ALWAYS hit the 20 grams, but try to get as close as possible. I've also used cottage cheese a lot and one morning had leftover meatloaf and potatoes!
Does it sound like I'm hitting everything? I really want to get better. I've done sugar fasts before and feel amazing when I get cleaned out, but it's gotten totally out of control over the last year!! I do fine during the day but crash at night and end up eating a half a carton of ice cream or something
Do you know the 4 parts of step one?
: enough protein for your body weight
: a complex carb
: within an hour of getting up
: every day.
: Generally speaking, it does take more
: than 2 weeks to get all
: those parts settled. I am concerned
: that you are rushing through.
: If you do that, you will miss out on
: all the extra stuff embedded in
: each step.
: those are the things that heal the
: addiction
: Can we talk a little about how step
: one is going?
: kathleen