Weekends are SO much better!

I can not tell you how much better I feel on the weekends. Setting my alarm and getting up early (the same time as week days) is really really helping. I used to sleep in on the weekends. I have done that my whole life. But what a huge difference it makes that I am not sleeping in. It really helps with my meal times being spot on. And it seems that I don't want to snack all the time either. Who knew? I knew years ago I should have been getting up early but I fought it and fought it. But now...Love it. Would I like to sleep in sure but I like feeling good much more. Also my weekends seem so much more longer now that I am not sleeping half of it away.

Spot on timings make me feel AMAZING!!!! A few days ago I had a glimpse of Radiance again. My soul actually felt like it was singing, it felt like it was glowing. And in a good healthy way not in high way. It just made me smile.
