Hi Lisa
I started out with feelings of sensitivity to a lot of things.
my experience was that a lot settled as I did.
I had so much going on it had been hard to see the wood for the trees
Step 7 now some years and my food is really varied ( its as though I got to discover a bunch of other things!) I do not choose wheat or gluten and its really easy without those.
there is a lot of support on the lists in that respect.
I'm fine with potato, and choose it in many different forms at mealtimes, but I am very fond of sweet potato and thats my choice for step 4 personally
Heres what I found: not overnight I might add it did take me some time, but just learning one step at a time, one small bit at a time really works for me, instead of my old way of looking at a whole picture at once. Journal is a godsend. So just focusing on my breakfast foods is so helpful..
what step are you doing Lisa ? have you some favourite foods for breakfast time?
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- food allergies
- Re: food allergies
- Re: food allergies