Re: Gaining weight & am discouraged

I love all your replies Regina. And love your thoughts as well

Today I realized that my foggy brain has been gone for awhile.

:h2) good for you! its those little things that are so encouraging.

Like a lot of people I went from a yo yo lifetime to steadying on step 3. I gained till step 3, but have been able to see the reasons in my journal in retrospect. It was such a novelty to have steady weight that I stayed there quite a while before engaging in YLD.

and these days, instead of that obsessive stepping on the scale twice a day.... I just smile to myself on days like today when I bought new jeans 3 sizes down ( the last ones fell off :h6) which is more my guage for weight loss these days :h19) )

I can recommend YLD (Your Last Diet) its my favourite of the books, with a lot of knowledge and comfort tucked within. I'm a member of YLD online and love the chats :h10)

I can say with conviction that your 9 weeks breakfast and now good journal, is going to stand you in such good stead. My experience has been that that helped heal all the yo yo awfulness that had gone before.

so well done on all your efforts so far! :h2) :h2) Do let us know how step 2 ond onwards goes :h5)