Re: Sunday and did not sleep in much (Day 35)

: It was really interesting. Normally I
: sleep in very late and my whole
: day is horrible and I feel
: horrible and lazy and achy and
: just plain bad. But I had an
: amazing productive Sunday this
: time. It was eye opening.

Love this Kari. I used to sleep in weekends and felt I was keeping on falling down a big hole.
Then Allison posted about having shake and going back to bed. I didnt believe it.

I tried it with a very grumpy attitude and what a massive difference it made to me !

my body just likes consistency and though 'we' would like to disagree on it from time to time ( I am often tempted to just not bother) :h6) I think its a really pampering thing to make the effort. So when I 'cant be bothered' I just smile at myself and get up and do it. :h10) It really does go a long way to = steady for me.

I hope it went in your journal :h12) That sort of :h11) :h12) :h2) goes in the back of my journal on its own page so I can find it again.. bit like your journal breakthrough letter :h10)