Re: Shopping for food
In Response To: Shopping for food ()

When I started step 3, I came up with a list of basic meals that I rotated through. I lived alone, so I would make a dish that served 4 and freeze three portions. When it was time to make the shopping list, I'd look in the freezer and figure out which of my staple meals I needed to make that week, and add the ingredients to my list. I kept extra meat in the freezer and kept a stock of diced tomato and different kinds of canned beans around.

Really, the only food that you have to worry about spoiling is vegetables, and now my husband and I keep frozen vegetables on hand and then just buy a few fresh ones each week. Our freezer is stocked with meat, and our pantry is stocked with canned beans and diced tomatoes and brown rice and brown rice pasta. We also have cheese in the fridge.

Are you cooking for one, or for a family?

: Hi everyone
: I'm on step three of the program but
: I'm a bad organizer and usually
: run out of food to prepare my
: balanced meals and when this
: happen I eat whatever is in the
: house and feels sick for days.

: But I'm also afraid to buy more than
: I need because of my budget and
: food spoiling
: Do you have tips on shopping for a
: week worth of food to make sure
: you always have your pantry and
: fridge full? What you shopping
: list is like?

: thank you