Hi Savannah,
There are a few things that have helped me over the years. The first is a whiteboard right on the refrigerator, and when something has been finished, or gets low, it gets put on the board. My children and dh know if they want something, to put it on the list.
Next, I keep a computer copy of my shopping list. I do it according to aisles at the store, and the things I get most often. So it can help to jog my memory in case something didn't make it on the grocery list board. I go shopping once a week, and circle in red the things I need to buy.
Years ago, when my children were younger, my neighbor and I would get together. One of us would watch the children while the other went to the health food store for items that were not in our local grocery store. We did online shopping and delivery, and it was so helpful when our kids were little! Anyway, it helped me to get into the habit of creating a weekly menu. I do the same thing now, and it really helps with what needs to be eaten.
As you continue to work the program, you will get an idea of how much you need for a week, and how much extra to keep. I like to have fast cooking browns on hand, like instant brown rice, quinoa, cream of buckwheat cereal, because they cook quickly. Most browns are easy to store, so I usually have 1 extra package. I buy a bunch of chicken, and cook it up for the week, because that is what I use for breakfast. Frozen veggies are nice to have on hand.
Good luck! I would love to hear how this goes for you.
: Hi everyone
: I'm on step three of the program but
: I'm a bad organizer and usually
: run out of food to prepare my
: balanced meals and when this
: happen I eat whatever is in the
: house and feels sick for days.
: But I'm also afraid to buy more than
: I need because of my budget and
: food spoiling
: Do you have tips on shopping for a
: week worth of food to make sure
: you always have your pantry and
: fridge full? What you shopping
: list is like?
: thank you