Hi Savannah,
Just went shopping today. Here's a sample for you:
tuna foil packs
salmon foil pack
burgers (I cook them all within a day and refrigerate or freeze them cooked)
can of peanuts
Sunshine burgers (this could be a brown, too)
peanut butter
refried black beans
wild rice cakes
shredded wheat and bran
instant oats
steel cut oats
can of black eyed peas
sweet potatoes
2 bags spinach
romaine lettuce hearts (very easy to chop into salad)
broccoli tops
baby carrots for snacks
red bell peppers (on sale!)
can of green beans
can of peas (unsalted have no added sugar)
unsweetened almond milk
green bananas
dill pickles
That's what I remember, anyway!
: Hi everyone
: I'm on step three of the program but
: I'm a bad organizer and usually
: run out of food to prepare my
: balanced meals and when this
: happen I eat whatever is in the
: house and feels sick for days.
: But I'm also afraid to buy more than
: I need because of my budget and
: food spoiling
: Do you have tips on shopping for a
: week worth of food to make sure
: you always have your pantry and
: fridge full? What you shopping
: list is like?
: thank you