Re: Fruits and veg
In Response To: Fruits and veg ()

Meghan, you made me :h6) saying 'huge blob of protein' made me think of a horror sci fi film..

but it can be a problem I know .... and I think its one of those things that gets easier as you step along. You can also start off smaller and increase very gradual.

here's what I find though.. if I choose a plainish chicken breast ( and specially if its cold!) I find it a bit of an effort. But give me the same grams in chilli con carne or even chicken stew, I dont seem to notice 'volume' to it the same.

another thing I notice is that I love variety. So lunch today being a beany salad and 'cold cuts' I couldnt fancy ham on its own, so I had peppered beef, ham and a hard boiled egg.
I was describing my planned lunch to a friend and I said 'Got some leftover scraps' and she said, oh cold cuts which sounded SO much more refined :h10)

it might be fun playing with combinations yourself. Breakfast is a great place to start playing :h4) Often as not have shake myself but then theres the favourite combinations of a full english breakfast at the weekend :h11) What breakfast protein appeals to you?