Introducing myself

Hello everyone. I'm new although really I'm returning after a few years. I bolted last time when I faced possibly gaining a few pounds as I added enough protein to all 3 meals. But I'm ready to commit now. I think. :h6) I'm at least more settled regarding working the steps one at a time and not worrying about the future.

Anyway, I'm a 45-year-old housewife, sugar addicted since I was born, and enthusiastic about step 1 as I know from past experience it almost immediately relieves a lot of my depression. In fact, I've been on step 1 off and on for several years.

I've tried WW, paleo, Atkins, proper food combining and other diets I'm sure I've forgotten in the past. In all of them I'm obsessed with my next meal or snack constantly. I'd really like to be free of that.
