Re: Reading the books
In Response To: Reading the books ()

Hi Kim

I think a lot of people probably felt the way you are feeling when they first found the program. I know I was certainly that way when I planned new weight loss diets too, it was like "Well from tomorrow I can't have this and that so I will eat it all now instead."

What you don't understand at the moment, is that when we take sugars out we don't do it until we are biochemically ready, and doing the steps does that. There is no need to worry that your best friend sugar is going to be ripped out from under you, because if you do it properly it won't feel like that. Take your time on each step and gradually you will see things changing, you just won't be drawn to sweet things so often, and I know that sounds unbelievable, but it's true. For example, when I had sugar regularly with meals, I had a certain amount of the same thing after each meal, and started forgetting to have it. I would realise an hour later that I hadn't had it, but by this point I was like well, I was meant to have it with lunch and it's too late now, so I will have it with dinner!"

That to me, was previously unthinkable.

Hope that helps



: So I started reading Potatoes not
: Prozac and The Sugar Addict's
: Total Recovery Program. (One is on
: my kindle and the other is a
: paperback, so I when I read
: depends on where I am.) Anyway, I
: find as I am reading the first
: couple of chapters, I am gorging
: on ice cream and cookies as I
: read. I have had more dessets in
: the last few days since I started
: reading than I usually permit
: myself in a week. I even made
: cookies last night at 8pm after
: the quesstion about what you would
: do if you walked in the door and
: there were fresh cookies waiting
: there! If anything was a sign that
: I am a sugar addict, that was it.

: My anxiety level about
: "quitting" is off the
: chart. I have had
: "rules" in place for
: myself for some time to keep my
: sweet tooth under control. I can't
: have something sweet until I eat
: healthy. I can't eat out lunch on
: Friday unless I bring something
: healthy 4 days that week. I can't
: even follow my own rules anymore
: since I started reading these
: books. I feel so out of control I
: could cry.