Reading the books

So I started reading Potatoes not Prozac and The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery Program. (One is on my kindle and the other is a paperback, so I when I read depends on where I am.) Anyway, I find as I am reading the first couple of chapters, I am gorging on ice cream and cookies as I read. I have had more dessets in the last few days since I started reading than I usually permit myself in a week. I even made cookies last night at 8pm after the quesstion about what you would do if you walked in the door and there were fresh cookies waiting there! If anything was a sign that I am a sugar addict, that was it.

My anxiety level about "quitting" is off the chart. I have had "rules" in place for myself for some time to keep my sweet tooth under control. I can't have something sweet until I eat healthy. I can't eat out lunch on Friday unless I bring something healthy 4 days that week. I can't even follow my own rules anymore since I started reading these books. I feel so out of control I could cry.